1. Maybe She'll Keep Me Around

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El is sitting on a bench outside the school with Mike, Dustin, Will and Lucas the boys are chatting away but El can't seem to focus on their conversation. Instead she is staring at a redheaded girl skating down a hill towards them.

El knew that she wanted to be friends with Max as she was the only other girl in the party and they had hardly spoke the the whole time they've know each other. Eleven was aware Max has tried to reach out to her but whenever she does so Mike shuts her down without letting El speak for herself, she knew Mike didn't like Max but she wasn't sure for what reason.

"Hey guys" Max said as she reached the bench while propping her board against the side of it. This snapped El out of her trance like state. "Hey Max" Eleven exclaimed cheerfully, Dustin, Lucas and Will all said hi without straying from their discussion much. Mike let out sort of a grunt and nodded his head to acknowledge her presence, El elbowed him for it causing Max to giggle a little and look to her feet.

What the hell was that about Max thought to herself she never giggles ever yet for some reason the simple act of Eleven just slightly standing up to her boyfriend made her giggle and smile to herself. She figured it was probably some effect girls had on each other, the ability to make each other giggle, she smirked to herself.

Mike started to say everyone should come over to his for a sleepover that Friday after school while saying this he put his arm around Eleven and pulled her closer to him, El never really liked the feeling of Mike doing these sorts of things but she just thought to herself that he's her boyfriend and this is what girlfriends are supposed to do. Everybody agreed to the sleepover except Max who was sitting there unsure if she were invited or not, El figured this could be her chance to make friends with the redhead who sat across from her and "Max you are coming right?"El asked expectantly. The redhead lit up and said "Y-yeah of course!!" fumbling on her words a bit. The look on Mikes face after made Eleven start grinning ear to ear although she was partially smiling from Max agreeing to come to the sleepover.

(Later. cause I'm lazy)

Max was laying in her bed smiling to herself thinking she might finaly be able to make friends with the sweet brunette after months of being shut down by her boyfriend. Maxs mind was racing with no intention of stopping.
Eleven invited Max to the sleepover, Eleven made sure Max felt wanted,
Eleven went out of her way to make sure Max the girl she hardly spoke to didn't feel left out and was going to the sleepover. she couldn't wait till Friday.

Authors Notes

I hope you enjoyed this small introduction to the story this is my first Time writing wattpad or fanfiction in general I usually just daydream of storylines I will update as regularly as I can. Best wishes

-The Biggest Elmax Shipper
(this is not debatable)

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