15. What a Good Wife you Would be

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I walk out of Els room rubbing my eyes as I do. It's early, I can tell from how clearly you can hear the birds chirping outside, with no noise from cars passing by. I love being up early, the slightly cold air, the sun just after rising and the sound of nature before the rest of humanity walk up. The only thing is I can usually never find the motivation to get out of my bed in the mornings until I'm starving and lately even that hasn't been enough.

"Hey kiddo number two!" The iconic voice of chief Hopper calls to me, he seems happy about something but I can't quite tell why.

"Heya Hop. Sorry for intruding in your house but El said it would be okay." I respond calmly at first before remembering he was out last night when El and I got in.

"Oh no worries kid you're welcome anytime. I know Neil from experience at the station and I want you to make sure you come to me if he ever trys to do anything to you." He says very matter of factly. I wanted to laugh at it cause if i ever reported Neill again like I tried in California I'd be so very fucked he made sure I knew that the first and last time I tried to report him.

"Thanks Hop but everything's fine." I lie.

I suddenly remember that the reason I came out was for the smell of bacon. Something that would never get made in my house without Neil eating all of it.

"Do I smell bacon?" I ask trying to change the subject quickly.

"Yup, it's the weekly Sunday fry up!" Says a chirpy El her mood has greatly improved from yesterday but I can't tell if it really has or if she's trying to hide it from Hopper.

"I have no clue how you stay in shape El, with your eggo extravaganzas and this every week." I say with a small chuckle getting one in return from the other two in the room Hopper nodding his head in agreement.

I grab two pieces of bacon a bit of white pudding and a mug of tea (supplied by Hop cause "It's not a real fry without some tea.") and take a seat at the table we all eat and talk together for a while, Hopper telling me some funny stories of when El first started living with him as El hides her face in her hands from embarrassment.

After sitting around for about two hours laughing and chatting I make my apologies and leave the pair in peace, planning to check up on El tomorrow in school and basically stick with her for the day seeing as the rumour will have spread like wild fire in small town Hawkins.

While on my way home I decide to stop at Robins house to find out how her date went last night. I knock on her door and when it opens I am greeted by Robins father Richard. I LOVE Robins parents they used to be hippies before settling down to have a kid but they still carry that air of freedom with them at all times, you can instantly tell this as well seeing as when the door opened I was greeted by the scent of lavender incense and the sound of "Brandy you're a Fine Girl" playing on full volume, it's an amazing song I must say.

"Ahh Max how are you love?" He greets me cheerfully, I don't think I've ever seen him not happy.

"I'm fine Richard nothing really happening for the moment. Is Robin here?" The first part not fully a lie I am fine at the moment but who knows how long that will last.

"Yeah she's just in her room, go on down to here." He says cheerfully.

I say a quick thank you and make my way down, giving the door a quick knock but when I got no response I entered anyways and found Robin sleeping in her bed. I shake her awake getting lots of groaning and kicking out of her before finally she sits up with an annoyed and half asleep.


"Your date??? What happened I need info now you're my only source of gay entertainment.

Authors notes 

Iswear this book is making a comeback people no jokes this time i'm starting to get my life in order again yay

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