2. Your Voice Is The Perfect Sound

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It's Friday the day of the sleepover, El is sitting in her last class of the day doodling in her notebook but she isn't paying attention to what she's drawing, she is fully zoned out just occupying her hands till class ends. She finds herself thinking of Max and how tonight she will try her best to become her friend.

The bell rings yanking her wandering mind back into her body, she starts packing away her stuff but when she looks back at her notebook she realised that the whole class she had been drawing Max and not just one but multiple pictures of her. There were some with the back of her head one of her riding her skateboard but most were just her face smiling
El quickly packs up her stuff hoping nobody saw.

Max is waiting outside school to find out what time they were to be at Mikes for. Dustin, Lucas and Will walk up to her and they start talking about some big test coming up, Max contributes to the conversation by nodding her head and mumbling every now and again hoping Mike gets out quickly, Max knows she needs to get to the car soon so Billy won't leave without her, otherwise she'll be taking a long walk up a hill.

Finally Mike leaves the school hands interlocked with Elevens but Max had seen Billy drive away about 5 minutes ago. Max thinks what took them so long then when her brain supplied her an answer she wished she hadn't asked. For some reason when she looked at their hands intwined with eachothers she felt a strange twinge in the pit of her stomach, she pushed the thought out of her mind convincing herself it's because she hates doing any sort of romantic gestures with Lucas she can't explain why she hates it so much but anytime Lucas trys to hold her hand or even kiss her she feels wrong doing it.

The two lovebirds finally got up to the grouip when Max instantly asks "What time are we to be at yours for Mike?" The the shaggy haired boy looks down at her and responds in a joking tone "No hello or anything." he laughs. Max knows that the joking tone isn't what he wanted to use he was annoyed she was coming to begin with, El was the one who invited her much to the dismay of her boyfriend if it were up to Mike she wouldn't be coming to begin with. Max looks at him eyebrows raised still waiting for an ansewer, eventually he says tiredly "Six o'clock sharp." Max could tell from the other boys reaction it was actually earlier and Mike just didn't want to have her there the whole time, none of the others say anything "alright then, see ya." Max turns and starts to skate home upset that even her boyfriend didn't try to stand up for her, but then again she wasn't sure if she wanted him to.

Just as Max is about to slot the key into the door she looks through the window and notices that Neil and her mom are out and Billy is sitting on the couch she decides to sneak in through her window rather then deal with his shit, so she heads to the side of her house and jumps up on her windowsill to crawl through her window into her room, she emptys out her bag dumping its contents on her bed then hurriedly fills it back up with all the gear she'll need for a sleepover. She sneaks to the bathroom grabbing some headache pills seeing as she is spending a night with the four loudest people she knows, then she spots her mothers anti-depressants considering for far longer then she should before grabbing a few and putting them in her jackets pocket, thinking she will probably never use them anyways. She sneaks back out her window and starts skating to the arcade to play some dig dug until six comes around.

After about two hours or so she looks at her watch and starts to head for Mikes house. When she arrives she checks her watch and it says five to six she decides to wait another ten minutes just lying outside on the grass, taking in the silence and fresh air knowing it will soon be replaced by boys screaming and the smell of those same boys. Once it reaches five past Max goes up to the house and rings the doorbell, she hears Mike and his mother in a screaming match each telling the other to get the door until eventually to stop the yelling I hear Nancy say she'll get it then the door swings open "Oh hi Max." Nancy says calmly "how come you didn't arrive sooner?" Nancy asks a little confused. Max just gives her a bit of a goofy look and Nancy instantly gets why, Nancy rolls her eyes "Right sorry, I forgot Mike is a teenage boy who for reasons I can't explain has taken a disliking to you." Nancy says with a smile and one of sarcastic voices that you can tell she really wants to punch him in the nose. "Anyways I'll leave you to it."she says bringing her voice back to the calm tone from earlier and heading back upstairs to her room.

Max heads to the basement cause we're else are they going to be they are crowded around playing Dnd so Max quietly Sits down on the couch a bit away from were they are playing then she says in a loud voice"BOO! " all the boys jump up from there chairs with a yelp but once they see her they all start saying hello and laughing, all but Mike who just sits back down and focuses on the campaign. Max looks around the room noticing there is no small brunette to be seen. "Hey Where's El?" "Dunno she hasn't arrived yet." If it were possible Mike looks even more annoyed and Max struggles to keep her laughter in.
Then she thinks that Mike definitely would've told El the real meet up time so why isn't she here, could she have gotten confused when Mike said the fake time or was she standing up for her by not coming until later. Max looked to her feet as she felt herself blush she has no idea why she was blushing it made no sense but she couldn't stop she was overjoyed by the thought of El sticking up for her and couldn't stop blushing eventually she stopped and just after there was a knock on the front door she got up to get it seeing as she was the only one not playing the game, she walked up the stairs and opened the door and standing there was Eleven absolutely soaked from the rain coming down outside Max quickly pulled her inside and shut the door so she wouldn't get any colder. "Why aren't you wearing a coat?" Max exclaims while giggling slightly. "I didn't think it would get this bad, I don't like wearing them anyways I hate the noise when it rubs of its self" Max rolls her eyes a bit grabbing El by the wrist and bringing her downstairs "well come on your going to freeze you need to change" Max brings her to the bathroom and El goes in to change once she comes out she is in her pajamas, unlike all what all the boys were wearing and what max was yet to change into which was an old t-shirt and shorts El had proper matching pink pajamas with small rainbows spotted along it, Max toughy it was the cutest thing ever and started smiling "what's wrong? Why are you smiling like that?" El asked confused. "Nothing, nothing at all" Max said still grinning, to stop anymore questions Max took her wet clothes from her and hung them off a radiator. She sat back down on the couch and El sat next to her, El tought everything was going good so far her and Max were getting along, Max started talking to her about school and how she got given out to for skate boarding during lunch El was endlessly fascinated by the story she loved it when Max talked about something excitedly because she got more of a carefree voice and whenever El heard it she couldn't help but let all her worries float away, El really thought Max had the most beautiful voice, if she had wish it would be to hear Max sing for if her just talking while happy could make all Els worries go away then her singing would put El in paradise.

Authors Notes
This one was very fun to write I wasent sure if I should put the end in another chapter or not but I think I'll just have the next one take off from where this ended please let me know if there where any mistakes I haven't looked over it yet. Best wishes


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