16. The Boys Won't Leave the Girls Alone

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Before we get into this Robins date is my first OC and they will be irish cause i am irish and want to have a character using the same slang as me

also i'm going to put in a small bit about sam mayfield maxs dad and its a complete headcannon cause i want max to be able to relate with robins date 

"Max if you want to know about my date so much you're going to have to come with me cause I'm meeting her again today, she's going to introduce me to her dog and I can introduce her to my child!" Robin says while getting ready as I wait with my back turned, facing her wall and looking through her vinyls.

"I'm not your child that's the Steve joke." I say as I put on the Ziggy Stardust album.

"Nope you're mine sorry, any gays become mine that's the rules!" The dirty blond says matter of factly.

"Alright fine, but can I actually meet your date/girlfriend?"

"Yes but what do you mean /girlfriend?" Robin asks as she grabs her jacket.

"Wellllllll you've been on one date last night and now you're meeting the next day to see her dog." I say plainly 

"For your information young Maxine we have been on more than one date I just made it seem yesterday like it was the first cause otherwise you would've asked loads of questions like you're doing now. Plus lesbians move fast once you both know you like each other you'll learn in time young one." Rob says while tapping me on the shoulder to say she's ready so I turn around.

"One never and I mean NEVER say Maxine again and two that outfit is really nice."  I tell her after looking her up and down.

"Shall we go then and meet my girlfriend?" Robin asks while wiggling her eyebrows.


"Max whatever you do, you better not embarrass me." Robin says all seriously.

"Don't worry you do enough of that yourself."I say cheerfully before hopping out of the car and going towards the girl Robin pointed out earlier, leaving the dirty blond to chase after me while waving to her girlfriend.

We were meeting her at the entrance to a forest walk that lead to a waterfall so that her dog had something to do. The girl is tall and skinny, she has those eyes that you can't quite tell if they're green or brown, (I couldn't help but think Els are nicer) she has brown hair that reaches just below her breasts and she's wearing a flannel.

Of course she's wearing a flannel she's gay.

You're wearing one too.

Shut up you I already accepted that.

Once me and Robin reach her we're greeted by an irish accent which I was not expecting.

"How'ya, Rob who's the kid?" She asks giving Robin a quick kiss on the cheek after looking around and making sure nobody's here.

"This is my little baby gay I was telling you about!" She says winking at me.

"No I guessed that but why's she here?" She says a little confused.

"Oh she really wanted to make sure you're suitable for me." Robin says chuckling.

"Oh. Well then I'm Ellie!" The brunette says brightly smiling at me.

"I'm Max good to meet you." I say still a little thrown off by the accent I hadn't heard one since my dad back in California.

"You're Irish?" I say as though it's a question but it's more like stating a fact.

"Yep how'd ye tell." Ellie says laughing, she obviously knows her accent is fairly strong.

"Lucky guess I suppose. My dad's Irish but we're not in contact anymore, he taught me a few very simple sayings in Irish." I say trying to avoid the topic of why I don't talk with him anymore.

"Oh that's deadly I'm in the process of trying to teach Robin here some irish, I can speak it fluently well at least Leinster Irish there's like twenty different types of Irish. What do you know?" She asks, I just about caught it all she has a undeniable Irish accent but it's far different from my dads one and kinda hard to understand the way she's pronouncing some stuff.

"Oh he taught me "An bhfuil cead agam dul go dti an leithreas" he said it meant always do the right thing, that's all I really remember." I said struggling to remember any of it, altough her and Robin were both laughing their asses off now.

"Love I'm sorry but that's not what that means!" Ellie says struggling to not laugh.


"She's a lovely dog Ellie." I tell her while I sit with her and Robin rubbing the dog who's called Sally(a husky) as we watch the waterfall glistening in the sunlight, the place looks like a scene out of a book with all the trees surrounding it.

"I know she's the best!" She says happily.

"Ellie we better get going if we're going to make the show." Robin states.

"Shite you're right too!" She says quickly, checking her watch.

"I'll drop you home Max." Robin tells me. I know I need to get back the longer I'm out the worse it'll be plus I have school tomorrow and need my bag.

Just as we reach the car park at the opening of the forest walk we get stopped by two men about twenty years old. One of them spits on the ground in front of us and the other just says.

"DYKES you disgusting fucking dykes someone needs to teach you fuckers the lesson that you lot aren't normallllll, get it into your thick fucking skulls!" His words filled with disgust.

But before they could do anything Robin kicked one in the balls and Ellie followed her example but instead punched the other in the gut winding him.

"RUN!" Robin yells.

So we ran as fast as we could Ellie and Sally going to her car and Robin and I going to hers. Once we're about to get out of the car park one of them tries to jump onto the back of the car but fails and faceplants into the ground. Robin starts laughing with relief as I yell curses back at them.

Robin dropped me off and now I am sitting on the doorstep I can hear the TV through the door so I know exactly what awaits me through the door but there is no avoiding it so I take a deep breath a walk in.

I look to my left and see Neil sitting in his usual spot drinking a bottle of cheap beer and watching whatever was on the TV but then I noticed the blood on his hand.

I looked around instantly and to my right I could see my mom lying on the floor a big cut on her head and multiple bruises on her body she was still breathing thank god but that sight made me want to vomit up the fry I had this morning.


I froze not wanting to respond but I knew I had too.

"y-Yes N-Neil?" I said shaking I was never normally this scared but seeing my mom like that changed something it meant Neil was on something new tonight maybe some drug he got at work? I don't know either way it's bad.


Authors notes

sorry bout the ending but i thought it was getting a bit too sweet recently so i had i bring it down a lot the upcoming chapters will be a mix of happy and sad but a lot more sad stuff

also do ye want a slow burn Elmax or get there a bit quicker?

Thanks for reading!!!!

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