I've Got Demons In My Head

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Authors notes
Sorry but I won't be updating as regularly school started back so I have that and work to deal with.
This is now going to be fully from Maxs pov and once I finish this story I will do an El pov and a joint pov book

I jump from my board just as I'm about to hit a wall, I had zoned out during the finale stretch to the arcade starting to fight with my subconscious again but I push that thought from my mind and walk up to my board and start to carry it in mall grip while I walk around the arcade so I don't hit anyone with it. The boys all run in giddy with excitement to try out some new game Keith an older teen who worked at the arcade had gotten in. I had to listen to them talking about this game all week and I can safely say that I can't wait for Keith to show them the game as it means they'll finally talk about something else.
I feel a hand grab my wrist and I have a small moment of panic before realising it is El, thankfully she doesn't seem to have noticed my panic so she won't start asking questions.
"Come on I want to show you something!!" El squeaks excitedly.
I let her drag me to a corner in the back of the arcade where a pac-man machine was. She eagerly pointed to the screen on it, I took another step forward to try and read it and on the leaderboard number one, two, four, and six were all under El's name. I widened my eyes and smiled with my lips slightly spread apart and looked at the brunette girl staring at me waiting for my reaction to her accomplishment.
"HOLY SHIT El that's amazing pac-man's one of the most popular games in here how did you get so good, you've only been able to come out to the arcade in the first place for a couple months!"

"I'm just naturally talented." The brunette smirked while pointing her chin slightly in the air proud of herself.
"well then you are obviously the most talented here." I said with a large grin
"naturally, now come on let's go find the boys." she said grabbing my wrist again to drag me along which sent a tingling sensation up my spine.

Told you, you're a d-

Shut up, I'm not into El that way I'm just happy to have a friend who is a girl and also I'm not arguing with myself for a third time today so bye bye!


"That game was a load of bullshit!" Dustin exclaims angrely as we all walk out from the arcade.
"No it wasn't you're just mad you lost." Lucas argues with him whilst laughing. Dustin tries to say something but can't get anything out fully "I swear t- I'm not ANG- No your ma-!" he starts turning red from embarresment as everyone starts to laugh uncontrollably, eventually he joins in the laughing to. Everyone hops on their bikes and I on my board as we say our farewells but just as everyone has gone and I'm about to go there's a tug on my jacket. I look to my side to see El still standing there after never getting on the back of Mike's bike.
"my dad won't be here to get me for another thirty to forty minutes would you mind staying with me till then?" El asked while staring me in the eyes. How could I say no to her I knew the consequences of being home late but something seemed off with El and if she asked me to stay I wasn't going to say no. "of course I'll stay no problem." The shorter girls eyes lit up at that. "Thank you Maxie. I just saw Stacy and her friends enter the shop across the road and I'm scared if I'm alone they'll come over and make fun of me." El said with a bit of fear in her voice, it made sense know why she was a bit off. "hey they won't bother you now, while we're waiting for Hop do you want to learn to ride a skateboard to pass the time!" I say with a smile to try and take the brunettes mind of the bullys. "yes please Maxie that sounds fun!" she said with excitement.
I think I'm starting to like the pet name she gave me.

Yeah of course you are cause yo-

We've already done this now shut up.

I silenced my thoughts for the time being and brought El to a flat piece of ground and placed my board down.

"okay so you're gonna want to put your left foot at the top of the board facing forward then push with your right foot, once you gain speed put both feet on the board and shift them to the side so you can lean on your heel or toes to turn."

"that was a lot but I think I got it. WAIT what if I fall!" she said voice full of worry.

"don't worry I'll hold your hand for the start of it then once you have your valence ill let go." I reassured the worried brunette.

"What if I fall after you let go."

"ehhmmm I'll... kiss it better..." I said in an unsure voice which made her laugh and removed her worry.

"alright then I better not hurt myself from this." El said still a small bit uncertain. She did just as I told her to and I held her hand as she figured it out. My hand felt like it was on fire the hole time not that it was hurting or sweating but that it felt so right the fire felt good I could hold her hand forever.

Cause y-

SHUT UP!!!!!

"alright in gonna let go now El you should be able to keep you balence." I reasurred her

"alright but if I fall I'm holding you to wait you said!"

"what did I say? I forget half the shit I say." I asked but she was flying off on the board now as I let go and started running after her when u caught up she looked so happy so free like nothing could harm her. I know the felling I get it when ever I'm going down a steep hill or whenever I'm with her.


Really nothing

Okay I guess



I snapped out of my thoughts as El didn't see the pebble (god damn it small stones a skateboarders true enemy) and she fell from the board I crouched next to her quickly grabbing the board before it rolled into the center of the road.
"are you okay?" I asked worried as I noticed a small cut on her knee.

"yeah it doesn't hurt much I'll get it cleaned once I go home but you have to do what you promised now" El said in a teasing tone. I remembered what I said now and blushed my face turning the same colour as my hair, I know that there is no way out of this so I bend then and give El a small kiss on her knee when I brought my head back up she had a satisfied smirk on her face while I covered my face in my hair not being able to stop blushing.
"thanks for teaching me a bit Maxie but I have to go my dad just pulled up!" the shorter girl said as she pulled me to my feet just as my blushing stopped El gave me a quick kiss on the cheek that made me blush instantly after I had stopped and she started to jog off and waving to me I waved back but once she turned away I put my hand to my cheek with a wide smile on my face. I felt happier right now then I had in years.

Authors notes
Hope you enjoyed a bit more of a wholesome elmax chapter but the next one will be anything but wholesome or at least the ending will be. Best wishes


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