12. You Could Have Anyone You Want

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We get off the bus at the new mall that had been built since star court burned down and head inside. The first thing we do is head to the food court to grab some breakfast rolls as he had slept in my abandoned paradise the night before with no food. Once we're fineshed that El asks could we go to the gap, of course I oblige we head over and El tries on some t-shirts and a pair of cargo pants.

"What do you think of this one Maxie?" El asks me.

"It all looks incredible on you El." I state. El is the type of person who could be wearing a literal garbage bag and she would still look great, and this isn't even me being biased she gets tons of attention from the guys at our school not all of it positive there are a lot of cat calls said to her that I can tell make her uncomfortable. It's always been a fear of mine that someday they might take it to far as I've heard them joke to each other about her and what they would do to her if they could.

"Alright, I think I'm done in this shop but you are not you haven't tried on a single thing yet." El says with a smirk that's impossible to say no to.

"Fine then." I say picking up a fleetwood mac rumours hoodie that I thought looked pretty cool plus I love that album.

I head into the dressing room with that hoodie and a t-shirt for back to the future it surprises a lot of people when I tell them but it's actually my favourite movie, it surprises me aswell to be honest not the sort of thing you would think I'd be into, then again I guess I'm into lot of things you wouldn't think I am. Number 1 on that list being El.

"Alright what do you thi-" My question is cut short when I see El in the corner surrounded by Stacy and her friends.

"I hear your boyfriend broke up with you." Stacy says with snark. El broke up with him I think but of course Mike is saying it was the other way around.

"I don't care about you or your sad little nerd group, but you better stay away from Josh." Stacy continues.

By now I've reached them seeing as they hadn't heard me I lean in and yell making them jump and move away from each other just enough that I could pull El out from the middle of them and over by my side.

" So you don't care bout our group but you still feel the need to tell El to stay away from your boyfriend, god you must be insecure." I say while laughing.

"I'm not insecure." Stacy stammers trying to find what to say next but she finds it quickly enough.

"It's just we all know what a big fucking slut she is Mike told us all she's been sleeping with half the basketball and football teams and all of those random guys who compliment her in the halls for whatever reason. She must just give really good head cause she isn't pretty at all."

I cut her off before she can say another word by pitting my fist in her face and grabbing Els hand and running. We run out of the mall quickly dropping 50 bucks on the cashiers table for what we bought and run onto the bus just as it pulls up, we get off at the first stop it being the family video store I know Robins working today so we head inside.
Robin tries to say hello as she sees us but I still holding Els hand lead her into the backroom as she started crying on the bus and I don't want her to be humiliated more. I sit El down on a stool and I crouch in front of her letting go of her hand as mine had become very sweaty from just holding hands with her I just wish it was under better circumstances. I pull her into a hug and let her cry for a while. I don't know how Mike got his lie out so fast but I do know that next time I see him his face will mysteriously appear to be black and blue for some reason.

"Are you okay El?" I ask instantly regretting it of course she's not okay.

"I will be. Thanks for punching that bitch in the face." She says in a small voice but with a chuckle remembering how I punched Stacy.

"Oh my god El you swore." I teased as it was rare that this ray of sunshine would ever curse.

"Will you be alright if I leave you here for a bit while I explain to Robin why we invaded her store?" I ask. El simply nods in response.

I give her a big squeeze before leaving the hug and then the room.

Authors notes

Again sorry this part took so long to come out see the last non update to find out why but I'll get back to my normal not normal schedule now of two a week. Mabey more this week as I'm of school.

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