11. Admiring From Afar

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Use of homophobic slurs

I was home alone sitting crosslegged on my bed smoking one of my cigerretes when I heard a knock on the front door I quickly got rid of the cigerrete and turned on my fan to remove the smell. I could stop smoking I'm not addicted to it but I like the calm feeling I get from each puff and with all the madness circling around my mind recently I really need the calmness. I walk up to the front door and open it to find a gorgeous brunette standing in front of me.

"I did it!" El squeals excitedly, after I invited her in and we headed to my room.

"You did what exactly?" I question intrigued by how excited she is.

"I broke up with Mike! I feel so free, like I can do anything."

"Well if you didn't feel like that when you were with him then dumping him is the best thing you have ever done." I say jokingly but with a serious undertone.

"Yeah I know. From now on I will not base real life off of soap operas."

"How did he take it?"

El gets a serious face on from that question and almost looks a little worried.

"Bad." She says short and serious. The answer worried me did he do something to her I need to know.

"What do you mean 'bad' did he say stuff to you?" I ask starting to feel anger rise in me.

"He called me things, I don't even know what some of them meant."

"What did he call you!" I swear to god I will kill Michael Wheeler.

"well first he started asking me if there is something wrong in my head saying that I should want to date him, that he had always been kind to me and then he said if I don't want to date him it must be because I'm just some weirdo, freak science experiment that or I'm just some dyke. What does that even mean?" El was starting to tear up now, I pulled her into a hug, I really don't want to tell her what dyke means but she is sixteen and has a right to know its not her fault she didn't learn things like the rest of us with all those years in the lab. I can't believe Mike threw that back at her as an insult.

"Well a dyke is a term people use for lesbians but it's not a nice term your not supposed to say it to someone it's called a slur, you know about them right?" I ask still wrapped around the brunette. I could stay like this forever hugging on my bed.

I feel her nod into my neck as a sign she understood what I was talking about.

"El, do you want to sleepover tonight, we can take your mind of Mike and have some fun?" I ask hopefully, I know the more time I spend with her will just make me hate myself more for liking her but I can't help it I feel addicted to her like if she disappeared I would too.

"Yes please. I don't have any clothes though." she says, her voice muffled by my shoulder

"Don't worry you can take some of mine. I'm sure it will look better on you anyway."

El chuckles at that and pulls away from the hug now that she had stopped crying which disappoints me a bit not that she stopped crying but that she pulled away, I had something I wanted to show her anyways so I tried not to be to disappointed.

"Come on, I want to show you my favourite spot before it gets dark. It's were I go whenever I'm upset about something." I say while leading her out the front door at starting to jog into the forest behind my house. I leave out the part were I had been going here more and more in recent times and that the main reason has been her.


"Are we almost there Max?"

"Just around the corner." I say as I spot the clearing in the forest. I lead her into it reveling the old rundown house next to a small pond, the pond was clear and surprisingly warm, the house on the other hand was overgrown by nature vines covering nearly the whole thing it was a small house more of a shack really the door was unmovable so I had made my own entrance in the side on the building using a large rock I had found the first time I came here it had gone through the old rotted wood easily. This place is my hideaway I had brought many of my belongings here to store so that Neil couldn't break them.

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