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When the bullets were fired upon him, his fighting skill kicked into action, and he ran to hide behind a fence. The bullets whizzed above him, and one even got through a crack in the fence next to his head. He felt none hit him though, so he was likely in the clear.

When the rifle stopped firing, Percy knew the pony was reloading. He figured that it would take the creature about 3 seconds to reload, what with their experience using their paintball guns and all. With barely any time, he stood up and aimed. His gun found his target, the grey shirt of a North Carolina member. Bang. One shot; the centaur was dead.

He panted from the adrenaline rush, but refused to look at the body of his friend. This game required focus and skill, he couldn't jeopardize his focus with the images of his dead friend.

He walked over to the pony's body and searched it. He took the assault rifle and all his clips, managing to fit the belts onto himself and hang the rifle over his shoulder like a backpack. On another corpse, the Mars camper he retrieved the gun from, he found a hip holster and put it on.

Olympus was quiet, the screams and yelling and gunfire had ceased. That worried Percy more. Now there didn't seem to be any action, which meant action could find him.

He walked through the wreckage, bodies laying motionless underneath him. He had to find Artemis, and his friends. They'd be in danger, especially from Ares. The god had plenty of experience with guns, and with his flock of tanks by his side the god was pretty much unstoppable.

He heard a clatter from behind him as he was walking down a hall of the large palace that housed the throne room. The god spun around, but found no one there. The sound of a gun being cocked rang from behind him, prompting Percy to spin and face the attacker.

It was not one, but five of the Hephaestus kids all aiming what looked to be LMGs in his direction. Percy's heart sank as he realised he didn't have time to run or pull out his gun or anything. He'd be shredded to pieces in this quiet hallway, not even knowing whether or not his loved ones were okay.

"Duck!" A voice shouted from behind him, and Percy, thinking it was in his head or his conscience or something, followed its orders. The Hephaestus kids all looked in shock at something behind him, but they were immediately lit up by Percy's defenders.

Percy covered his head, staring at them as they were all riddled with bullets, before the five fell to the floor in front of him.

After seeing kids he had previously gotten along with turn on him like that, Percy wasn't sure if he could trust these new people. So, in self-defense, he pulled out his revolver and flipped onto his back.

Immediately, seven guns were trained on him, and Percy got a look at their faces. "Perce?" He heard a familiar voice sound as the light from the window faded and he could see them properly. "Pipes?" He asked, and then looked at the rest. It was the Seven, all aiming their weapons at him. Annabeth had two pistols, both with laser sights that were blinding him. That made seven lethal weapons aimed at him by his own friends.

Percy Jackson: Battle RoyaleWhere stories live. Discover now