Persona Non Grata

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Hours later, Artemis was sulking in her tent. Her godly powers had been restored, and her wounds were all healed. She still couldn't believe Percy would betray her like that. He killed her, and for what? They were gonna win, what the Hades were the Fates gonna do if they refused to shoot each other?

She hadn't left her tent all day, refusing to eat or drink. She would rather wallow in her own misery. She thought Percy and her were better than that. She thought they really did have a bond, she had given up her maidenhood for him! He betrayed her, like any male would.

"Knock knock." A cheerful voice called, which just made Artemis want to commit jihad. "What do you want, Apollo?" She asked miserably, amd the sun god entered.

"How are you, little sis?" He asked happily, and her face darkened. Within the blink of an eye she retrieved a tomahawk from the bedside table and threw it at him. The god luckily ducked, and the axe tore through the tent canvas and landed on the grass outside. "How dare you say such a thing to me. What do you want?!" She screeched, and he had to keep himself from cringing.

"Well, we still have a few hours until the day is over. Percy would l6ikr to talk to you." He said. Artemis huffed and crossed her arms. "Well tell him I'm not coming. I don't want to see that bastard." She put her foot down.

Apollo shook his head. "Your king commands it. Not just your king, you supreme ruler. I suggest you follow his orders." He advised.

Artemis' face fell, and she nearly screamed. If she didn't go, the punishment would no doubt be severe. Fine. She decided. She would go, and then she would scream.

The goddess pushed past Apollo and left the tent, but then looked back to him. "Where is he?" She asked. Dazed, Apollo wandered out of her tent. "Here." He said simply, grabbing her shoulder. The twin archers flashed out.

They appeared in the sand, and Artemis had to use her godly GPS to figure out where they were. "Why are we in Hawaii?" She asked, but somehow Apollo had snuck off without her knowing. Confused, she looked around the beach, before spotting him.

He was sitting down on the sand, staring up at the stars. Reluctantly, she approached the temporary dictator, who turned his head to look at her when the goddess approached. "Sit." He commanded, and the goddess of the hunt sighed. Sadly, she had to follow his orders, and so she did.

She sat cross-legged in the sand in what was probably the worst attire for a Hawaiian beach. Skinny jeans, a silver hoodie, and combat boots. Perhaps it was actually a good outfit, since it was nighttime.

"What do you want?" She asked, not looking at him. Percy frowned as he turned to her. "Artemis, I'm sorry." He said, but she shook her head. "Save it." She snapped, shutting him up for a bit.

He sighed, laying down. "I always liked spots like these. A nice beach were you can looked up at the stars all night long. The tides trying their best to reach the moon." He did his best to chat with her, dropping a slight metaphor in there.

"Mhm." Artemis said curtly, idly drawing pictures in the sand. "I often talk to Zoë." He said, and she suddenly stopped. "What?" She asked. He smiled at her. "Zoe, the huntress. She speaks, you just have to ask yes or no questions. Here, watch." He said, and she looked up at the familiar constellation, the one she often found herself staring at longingly many nights.

Percy cleared his throat. "Zoe, what's better, Burger King or McDonald's. Blink once for BK, twice for McD's." He said. There was a small period of silence, before the constellation very noticeably flashed off and then back on. "See? Burger King." He smiled.

Artemis swallowed, not believing her eyes. "Z-Zoe? Is that really you?" She asked, and Percy finished for her. "Blink once for no, twice for yes." He said. Almost immediately, the stars flashed off and on again, then once more. Yes.

Artemis laughed in disbelief. "I can't really believe it. I can talk to you. I talked to you pretty much every night and you never responded?" She frowned. Percy looked up at her. "She can't talk, only answer. I find she's good for advice, to talk to about your problems. She always seems to know the right thing. I can see why she was your closest advisor." He commented.

He lay back down and looked up at her. "Zoe, I'm sorry for what I did to Artemis. I was high, distressed, confused, and I betrayed her. Now she's left me, she won't even give me the chance to talk to her. I have to order her here like she's some dog at my heel. I... I feel really bad about what I did. Can you forgive me?" He asked.

Artemis waited with bated breath as the stars remained silent. She thought for a moment that they would ignore the question, but then she answered. Two distinct blackouts. Yes.

Artemis smiled at her old friend. "Okay then. Zoe, I am really mad at Percy for what he did. He keeps trying so desperately to talk to me, but I don't want to see him. What do you think? Should I forgive him?" She asked.

The stars instantly replied with one blink, and as the moments dragged on, Percy's face fell. No. Artemis nodded at the decision. She would take her best friend's advice. She was the only person she could trust right now.

Another blink. Percy's face lit up while Artemis' eyebrow raised. She hadn't expected her best huntress to agree to something like that. Percy sat up and looked at her. "The huntress has spoken." He grinned, and Artemis rolled her eyes.

"I don't think I'm ready to forgive you just yet. Unless..." She trailed off with a devious smirk. "Zoe, how about this? I will forgive Percy only if he agrees to be my slave for an entire year. He will do whatever I command. If I wish for him to clean the wolf pens, he will do it.

If I wish for him to put on a collar and crawl around on all fours, he will do it. Does that sound fair?" She proposed.

There was no wait with this answer, and instant yes from the huntress. The goddess turned to Percy, and his face fell. "Fine." He said, and Artemis summoned a dog collar. As she clipped out around his neck, she kissed him on the cheek. "Good boy." She chuckled.

Oh man, that paintball game would be nothing compared to the fun she would have with this.

Props to @Paige_9900 for ignoring my oneshot ideas. I originally posted this in like May of 2020 but never reposted it on Wattpad, so its been up on FFnet this entire time. For those gamers out there, every chapter title has been the names of missions from a certain game trilogy, the same trilogy I based Poseidon, Heracles and Ares' deaths on. Did y'all like the plot twists? I think it still holds up as a shitpost.

Word Count: 20,188

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2022 ⏰

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