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Morning came fast, and near nine in the morning, Artemis shook Percy awake. "Percy. Percy! Wake up!" She ushered, and the god sat up groggily. "Wha's ha...." He trailed off, yawning and rubbing his eyes. The day had been tiring, and he'd only gotten 4 hours of sleep. Still, it was more than most got.

A hunter hurried over, fully armed and ready. "Gunshots, no response from Phoebe or the other's over the comms. Get ready, just incase." She said, gesturing to the silent walkie talkie on her hip. Startled by the news of his friend being MIA, Percy shot up and ran to his thing.

He was equipped with the same things from yesterday. An assault rifle, his trusty revolver, and a shit ton of ammo. Artemis packed lighter, wielding only a rifle and the necessary amount of ammo for it. A group of four hunters, Elaine, Melani, Anne and Cat went out, armed and armored, to try and make contact with Phoebe and the other guards.

The rest of them waited in anticipation as the brave huntresses left the maze, even Apollo and Hermes were up and ready. They all stood in silence, waiting to hear the hunters call over the walkie talkies that Phoebe and the girls were fine, and that they were heading back. What their patient waiting was rewarded with was not at all what they wanted. The sound of distant gunfire.

Scared, Thalia snatched the radio and desperately called for a response. She got none for a while, under the walkie talkie went berserk, crackling on and off as if it was being spammed. "Her-" Sounded, then "Com-" Before silence, as the gunshots ceased too. Thalia tried repeatedly to get a response, but Artemis silently took the device from her and put it down.

The entire group stood in silence, looking around nervously, their weapons trained on every exit and every wall. Then they heard footsteps, though since it was a maze, it was hard to track where it was coming from. One west, two more east, a few north, one south. Footsteps sounded relatively close to the innermost wall, then they stopped. Most of the hunt aimed in that direction or to the nearest entrances, and they waited.

Crack! The sound of dozens of twigs and branches snapping was hell to Percy as the brute burst through the wall. A large armored tank, armored in white plates from head to toe. With the strength of a thousand men, he flipped the nearest table, crushing two of the hunters in the process. As Percy looked, he saw two machine guns in its clutches, and the hunt opened fire.

Any normal being would have been crushed under the intense pressure of nearly two dozen girls firing upon them all at once, not even mentioning the fact that most of them had submachine guns of assault rifles. This being was not normal, and it stood there laughing as the hunters wasted all their ammo on it.

When the hunters had dried up all their ammo and their guns resorted to clicking noises instead of the usual bangs, the beast chuckled darkly. Percy recognized that chuckle. He'd heard it many times, usually after a taunt by the man at wanting to bang his girlfriend. It was Heracles.

"My turn." He said, holding up both his machine guns. Percy's eyes widened, and he grabbed Artemis. "Duck!" He yelled, before throwing the two of them behind the rubble of a statue. The landing was rough, and they scraped their skin on the stone and cut themselves on a thorn bush that happened to be planted around it. Heracles lit up the gardens, and all Percy and Artemis could do was watch as hunters left and right were thrown back by the hail of bullets and killed. Artemis had to stifle a cry, and Percy cradled her tight as they watched their friends who couldn't find safety were massacred.

This continued for half a minute, before the sound of Heracles running out of ammo rang throughout the clearing, and Percy thanked the Fates when he heard the clicking of Heracles' dried up weapons. He looked around, and saw no one. When he peeked over, he saw Heracles had put down one gun to try and reload the other, but he saw something else that disturbed him. Thalia's motionless body lay resting against the hedge right next to the hole Heracles had made with his entrance.

"Psst!" He heard Hermes hiss at them, and both gods snapped their necks to look at him. He and Apollo were hiding behind some more rubble not too far from them, and Hermes was frantically pointing at one of the exits. They got the message, and Artemis nodded. There was no reason to stay and fight, his armor was resistant to their ammunition, and all of her hunters were dead.

Taking the opportunity of him reloading, Apollo picked up a rock and yote it at the minor god, and the stone knocked his machine gun out of his hands. He looked up to see Apollo and Hermes dashing for the exit, and he roared in fury. Surprising the two young gods, Heracles started charging them, and what he would do if he caught them was likely worse than any number of bullets he could deliver.

To assist the gods in their escape, Percy stood up, bringing Artemis with him, and began firing upon the son of Zeus as they ran for the opposite exit. Dazed and confused, the demigod-turned-god roared with fury as he tried to decide who to chase. After nearly ten seconds of decision making, he decided Hermes and Apollo would be easier to kill, and headed through the hedges in their direction. By then it was too late, and all four gods had escaped his clutches.

The hunters didn't satisfy him. He wanted to feel the blood of a god as he crushed their skull slowly with his foot. He wanted to kill the Olympians.

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