Back on the Grid

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The hallway was cold and quiet. Not a good start to Percy's journey. He knew the way to the gardens, so he began his trek in that direction.

Not even a minute into his trip, Percy heard the rumble of multiple footsteps head his way. He looked down the hallway behind him, and realized it wasn't the seven. As the footsteps got closer to the hallway he was in, he sprinted full speed down to the next hall. He ran as fast as he could, not wanting to get caught by the army chasing him.

He ran throughout the great palace, ignoring the gunshots and screams coming from every direction. Soon he came across a hall littered with bodies, and he had to keep his head up. Head up. Focus. Don't look at them.

Soon enough, he came upon the entrance to the gardens. They were a place of peace on Olympus, where gods could go to avoid conflict and rest their minds. The second he stepped foot onto the path, however, a shit rang through the air and the bullet landed in the wall next to his head. "Don't come any closer, boy!" The trees seemed to shout at him.

He slung his rifle over his shoulder and put his hands up. "Phoebe! It's me, Percy! I'm friendly!" He called, and there was a moment of silence. As he stood with bated breath, something suddenly dropped from above, landing on its feet. "Percy?" The daughter of Ares asked.

Percy walked forward and swept the hunter into a hug, glad to see another familiar face. "Where are the girls?" He asked, pulling away. She pointed up at the branches above them. "Nikki and Alex are up there, and the rest are further in the gardens. Come on." She said, grabbing his hand and leading him away.

She led him between two hedges, and as they started to turn plenty of corners, Percy realised this was a hedge maze. Pretty cool, too. It seemed she knew the way, because it didn't take long for Phoebe to lead him into the clearing, what must have been the heart of the maze.

Most of the hunters were there, either getting patched up or chatting amongst themselves. Percy was glad to see that none of them had been shot, but he was also glad to see a familiar head of auburn hair.

He disconnected from Phoebe and walked over. The goddess seemed to be talking to someone, and as he approached he saw two familiar gods, the blonde one shirtless, and both were lying on stretchers looking up at her. Hermes saw him first, and smirked slightly, and when Apollo saw him his eyes widened exponentially. They both had daughters of Apollo tending to their wounds, he could tell by their blonde hair, blue eyes and first aid skill.

He sneakily wrapped his arms around Artemis' stomach, and the goddess in question nearly judo flipped him. Her head turned sharply to the side, undoubtedly giving her whiplash, but she had no time to worry about that before Percy caught her in a kiss.

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