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At first, Percy was having trouble lifting his gun up. Thankfully his left hand was numb so there was no problem holding the underside of it with that hand, but the weight in general made his stomach wounds stress and hurt. He could only imagine Artemis felt the same.

The nine of them entered the room, their footsteps almost silent thanks to the chatter of the crowd below them. When Jason had met with Annabeth at the other end, they all took position at the railing and rested their guns on it.

As they all cocked their weapons, the crowd of teens became silent, and looked above them. The entire clan of Ares kids stared down their attackers for a moment, before they realised what was happening and reached for their weapons.

Nearly simultaneously, all nine of them lit up the crowd, firing relentlessly on the brutal tribe of war children. Their father wasn't there to help them now, but he would come back to find the corpses of his many children in their own home base.

Some tried to run for cover, but there wasn't really anywhere to hide. They were immediately shredded by the heavy firepower, and within only a few seconds all the children of war were lying dead in the middle of the throne room.

Percy had used up his entire belt of ammo, and as he heard the click indicating he was spent, the god sighed. It was done, the second horseman, the horde of war, was gone.

The entire group was silent as they put their guns down. The throne room itself was silent, a comforting yet terrifying noise. "It's done." Hazel said with a stone face.

The group made their way down from the balconies, jumping over the railing and landing in the middle of the empty hall. Every one of them checked for survivors, but none of the war children moved. Ares would be pissed, there's no doubt about that.

"Now we only have Heracles and the big man himself left to worry about." Apollo commented, but he received no reply.

Percy rolled over a body with his foot, and he bit his lip. He knew the kid. He'd been in the Ares cabin every year Percy had been at camp. He'd fought through both wars and come out alive, now he lay dead on the floor, shirt stained and a cold look in his eye. He sided with his father and he'd been gunned down for it.

"Ares isn't here." Hazel said, checking the body of a Roman. "That's a good thing, isn't it? That's why we did this, because they didn't have their father to protect them." Piper told her, picking the rifle up off of a camper who wouldn't need it anymore. Hazel pursed her lips. "Yeah, it's just... where would he be, then?" She wondered.

Thump thump thump. The group of nine whirled around, weapons aimed. They had all brought out their own weapons or found ones off the floor to use now, since their heavy equipment was dry. After all the talk about Ares, Percy was expecting to see the war god right behind them, but thankfully he wasn't there.

THUMP THUMP THUMP. The pounding was louder now, and it was a wonder as to whether or not the person behind the door was trying to bust it down or get their attention. "ARES!" A voice boomed, and instantaneously everyone's faces paled. "ARES, I KNOW YOU'RE IN THERE! LEAVE YOUR LITTLE BRATS AND FACE ME LIKE A MAN!" Heracles roared.

They all remained silent, which only served to infuriate the god of strength and former god of heroes. "If you don't answer me, I'm going to come in!" The god warned, now vocally calmer. The seven and the gods were faced with a difficult problem. They were trapped, and one way or another Heracles was coming in.

Percy Jackson: Battle RoyaleWhere stories live. Discover now