Eye of the Storm

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When she came to a while later, she found herself laying down on a table. "Artemis." A familiar voice asked, and she turned her head. Her boyfriend sat there, bruised and beaten, in a chair watching over her as she slept. "How you feeling?" He asked.

Artemis sat up and hissed, looking down at her stomach. She once again had no shirt on, though he was refraining from staring at her breasts. Her entire torso between the underside of her breasts and her waist was wrapped tight with bandages, and there was a morbid red stain on her belly.

"I feel fine, I'm probably not, but it'll heal." She said, then looked back up at him. "Is Heracles..." She trailed off, knowing that he knew the question she was asking. Percy nodded, smiling slightly. "Yeah, far as I know it's just us and Ares." He told her.

The god then smirked and tilted his head. "You know, you have really good aim with a knife for a person who just got beaten and stabbed by the god of strength. You got him right in the eye." He complimented, and Artemis blushed slightly. "Bows are big and can be clumsy. Sometimes it's easier to pull a knife out of your pocket and throw it at someone, so I had to teach myself how to aim." She told him.

Percy nodded, and Artemis sighed. "So Apollo..." She trailed off once again, and Percy silently gulped. "Yeah. He is." Percy said simply. Artemis felt tears brimming her eyes again, then the sweet embrace of Percy as he wrapped his arms around her frail form comfortingly.

Artemis hugged her boyfriend back in grief, letting the tears flow freely as she buried her face in his neck. Her breath was shaky as she sobbed. "It wasn't supposed to be l-like this." She whimpered. "I was older, I should have g-gone first." The goddess cried.

Percy, in sympathy, gently rubbed her back soothingly. "It's okay, Artemis. It's okay. It was his time, even he acknowledged that. Now's not the time to mourn, now we can try and wait it out until midnight." He assured her, and she looked up. "No." She said.

Percy tilted his head again in confusion. "Huh? But that was the pl-" He tried but she interrupted him. "Fuck the plan. Fuck waiting. Fuck hiding. Fuck it all. Apollo died for us, and I promised him that we'd win. Before the night is over we're gonna kill Ares, and then we will win." She said.

Percy swallowed nervously. "Artemis, we're both injured. We're in no shape to try and beat the god of war at his own game." He argued.

Artemis sat up. "If you don't want to help, then don't. I'll kill him myself, then." She said. Percy bit his lip. It would be better if they both stayed put, locked themselves in and hoped Ares didn't find them, but Artemis had a glint in her eye. He knew that look. There was no arguing with her, she had achieved peak stubbornness.

"Fine, but we need to rest. Let's stay here for a while." He agreed, and she nodded. "Sure. I could do with a break." She told him.

He helped her up, and the two moved over to the couch. Percy found a grey blanket and sat Artemis on his lap, pulling the blanket up to her neck. They sat in silence for a while, and Percy nearly drifted off to sleep. Breaking the silence, Artemis asked him a question. "Percy, what are you going to do if we become king and queen of Olympus?" She asked.

Percy looked at her with one eye open and smirked. "I'm going to order that the heads of my enemies be brought to me, I'm going to threaten the Fates into letting me remain ruler for all eternity, I'm going to bathe myself in whores and harlots. A paradise." He said obnoxiously, and Artemis slapped his shoulder.

After he was done chuckling, Percy thought for a moment. "I think I'd like to take you on a date. Command you to attend one, if you will." He said, and Artemis smiled up at him. "Really?" She asked, and he nodded. "Yeah, something nice like a picnic in the fields in Montana, or a vacation to the beaches of Hawaii, or behind a McDonald's for a blowjob." He said, earning him another smack.

Percy laughed it off, and Artemis snuggled into him. "I'm so glad you're like this." She said, and he raised an eyebrow. "What? Hoping for a blowjob behind a McDonald's?" He asked, and she shook her head. "No! No, not that. I'm glad you're so you. Any other guy would have legitimately said the first thing with the tyranny and whores, but only you would use your supreme power to take your girlfriend on a date." She said.

Percy smirked and wrapped his arms around her waist, so that his hands were rested gently on the bandaged wound. "Aw, Arty, you're making me blush." He grinned, and the goddess rolled her eyes.

After another while of cuddling, Artemis suddenly turned so she was straddling Percy. "You know, we really haven't had much time together recently. I mean, I was on a long hunt and you were at camp before all this. We haven't really got a chance to catch up." She hinted.

Percy's eyes widened as he realised what she was talking about. "Wha- Arty, we can't. We're too injured." He told her. She shook her head as she looked down. "Mine's numb, and yours looks fine. Just don't go rough." She said.

Percy shook his head. "This isn't a very good time to do this. We are in a hunger games-esque situation right now. It is not the time for mingling." He hissed. Artemis rolled her eyes. "Gods, why are you so reluctant with these types of things? I practically had to beg for you to take my virginity the first time. This is the perfect time to do it, it'll help distract us from our grief. I'd much rather you mount me than I go to sleep and have nightmares about all that's happened." She reasoned.

Percy bit his lip and thought for a moment. Sure, he wanted to do it, but he didn't think it was appropriate right now. After a moment of logical thinking, he relented. "Alright, fine, but we'll go gentle. I don't want your stitches to come out." He sighed.

Artemis smiled and kissed him softly. "Thank you, Percy. I love you." She said. He smiled up at her. "I love you too, moonbeam." He said, before connecting their lips passionately.

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