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It was an eerie place. Silent and foggy, with bodies strewn all over the ground. Percy cursed as she disappeared in the mist. He ran out after her, but in all the fog he couldn't see where she had gone.

Artemis marched onwards, desperate to find the man who killed her brother. She had no gun, only a knife. She would make sure that bastard got what he deserved, she promised herself and her brother that.

She walked for nearly five minutes, the fog making it hard to check places as she walked. After a while, she heard heavy breathing, and her head snapped in that direction. She marched onwards, and out of the mist appeared Heracles.

He was leaning against a wall, clutching a burn on his arm in pain. He saw her but took no care of it, not even making a move to run. She approached him slowly, knife drawn, and relished in the thought of driving it into his heart.

"So. You're gonna kill me, huh?" He asked, but was met by silence from the goddess. He cackled. "A pity. I would have liked to keep you around for when I became supreme ruler of Olympus." He leered at her, and she became enraged.

This was exactly what Heracles wanted, for as she made to plunge the knife in his chest, he casually parried the strike to the side with his hand. Using his extraordinary strength, he clenched her hand tight, nearly breaking it, and slammed the side of her head against the wall.

With her ears ringing, Artemis fell onto her back, and Heracles picked up her knife. Before she could pull herself up, Heracles got down on one knee and plunged the blade into her stomach, opening a deep wound that was already there. Artemis screamed, and Heracles stood up.

He found a pistol on the floor and picked it up, checking it was loaded as he walked back over to her.

"Olympus needs a new ruler. My father is a tyrant, and you all cheated me of the spot I deserved as an Olympian. Don't think I haven't forgotten, Artemis. You were one of the many who voted against me. I never forgot." He said, cocking the gun.

"Tomorrow Olympus will have a new king. I'll get rid of all my enemies and cement my place as ruler of the universe. Everyone will bow to me, and I will become the greatest king this world has ever known. I know you understand." He said, aiming the gun at her face as she bled on the rocky ground.

Artemis' breath was shaky as she closed her eyes. She should have waited for Percy. She went off on her own and now she had failed her brother. She would never get to see Percy, her love, again. She was going to die alone on the street, killed by the prime example of her worst enemies, males.

As Heracles pulled the trigger, a shape threw him out of the way, and the gun shot right next to her head. She opened her eyes and saw Percy on top of Heracles, beating the shit out of him.

"This... is for the hunters!" He said, punching him square in the jaw. "This... is for the seven!" He punched him in the eye. "And this... is for Apollo!" Percy threw another punch, but this time Heracles caught his fist. "No." He said simply, before headbutting him.

Percy fell back, managing to get back on his feet as he clutched his head in pain. Heracles stood up and walked over to him, before punching the young god in the gut. He did this repeatedly, and Percy keeled over in pain.

He then grabbed Heracles by the head and slammed it down onto his knee, fracturing the god's nose. Heracles cried out in pain, before right-hooking him in the face. As they fought, Artemis began to crawl over to his gun, using maximum strength to pull herself with both arms, even her injured hand.

Heracles grabbed Percy by the shirt and threw him into the wall, injuring the son of Poseidon. "You're pathetic!" He roared, pulling Percy up. Getting the jump, Percy repeatedly hit him in the gut as he had done to him just moments ago. The elder god grunted with every strike, before elbowing him in the back.

As Percy hit the ground, Artemis managed to reach the gun. The second her finger touched the black pistol, it was kicked out from under her, and Artemis was immediately booted in the eyes by Heracles.

She faded in and out of consciousness, barely able to comprehend where she was. When she turned her head, she saw Heracles was on top of Percy, repeatedly punching him. As she felt her love about to die, Artemis tried to cry out. Nothing came out but a whimper, however, and she turned her head to look at her wound.

The knife was still buried in her stomach, a good few inches deep. Without much hope or any other options left, Artemis grasped the handle.

Her breath shook as she tugged on it, only to find the blade was even deeper than she thought. The goddess tried her best not to scream and she pulled on the handle with all her might. She turned back to look at Percy, and with a great burst of strength, freed the blade from her stomach.

Weak and barely awake, Artemis rolled onto her side, facing Heracles. The god continued to hit away at her love, so he took no notice of her aiming the knife.

By the time he did realize, it was too late, and the knife had left Artemis' hand. Time seemed to slow down for a bit as they both watched the blade fly through the ear, before it landed right smack in Heracles' eye.

The god fell back, dead, and Artemis finally lost consciousness.

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