Sins of the Father

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Poseidon held a pistol of his own, aimed directly at Percy. "Good morning, or rather afternoon. You slept for a long time, it's nearly two in the afternoon." He said with a grin. Percy looked at the gun. "Dad, what are you doing? Why are you aiming that at me?" He asked.

Poseidon tightened his grip on the pistol. "To make sure you don't do anything, of course." He said. "Uncle, why are you doing this?" Hermes asked, looking for any possible escape routes. There didn't seem to be any. Phobos' shotgun was trained on him and Apollo, while Deimos was aiming a rifle right at Artemis' forehead. Percy cursed silently as he realized his father was blocking their weapons. He considered pulling out the revolver strapped to his hip which was thankfully hidden under his long shirt.

"I'm buying protection, of course. Ares wants you all gone, and in return I can join up with his gang. That way I'll be protected from everyone, even Heracles." He admitted. Artemis looked at him, still not moving for fear of Deimos blowing her brains out. "There's no such thing as protection from Heracles, the guy can take out Ares' entire clan. Then what?" She countered.

"See, that's where you're wrong, sweetheart." Phobos interjected, turning his gaze to the goddess. He smirked at his glare and continued. "Our father has a plan to deal with that scum, which unfortunately doesn't include any of you." He cackled, raising his gun a bit to emphasize his point, and Deimos chuckled along with him.

Apollo glared at Poseidon. "So what? You're just gonna shoot us and go?" He asked, and the sea god laughed. "Go? No, you're coming with us. I'm gonna let Ares put the bullets in your heads himself. But if you try anything I will kill you all." He said, then gestured towards the door. "Off you go now."

None of them moved, but after a few seconds Artemis started heading for the door slowly. Percy followed behind, after which came Apollo and Hermes reluctantly. When they left the house, the cold afternoon bit at their skin, but none were in the situation to complain about that.

The streets were entirely silent, save only for the light crunch of their feet on the paved and cobbled paths. Percy turned to Artemis as they walked, and she looked back at him. He gestured down with his eyes ever so slightly, and Artemis' eyes trailed downwards. As they walked, she could just barely see the brown leather of Percy's holster sticking out from under his shirt, and she looked back up at him eyes wide. They continued walking, pretending nothing had happened.

Percy couldn't let them be taken to Ares. If they made it there, it would all be over. Thankfully Poseidon and the spooky twins hadn't bound their hands or anything, so they could escape if it came down to it.

He still couldn't believe his father was doing this. What had this tournament done to him? Where was the cheerful kind guy he knew during his demigod years? Sure he had heard the bad stories, him raping and murdering people, how he ruined Medusa's life, but he just pushed it to the back of his mind. The guy in those stories couldn't possibly be the same guy who invited him on fishing trips, he thought. As this all unfolded, those thoughts became in doubt.

They had been walking for a few minutes, and were coming up on the great palace which most likely held Ares and his crew. It was a good two hundred metres away still, and Percy bit his lip in worry. Just then, the best thing that could have happened, did.

Phobos' foot hit something as he was walking, and his head snapped down. The god of fear's eyes widened in his own domain as a small click was heard from the side. All three gods turned their heads to the side, while their captives hadn't even noticed anything.

BOOM! The tripwire detonated an explosive, somewhere behind the wall on Phobos' left. There was a small beeping before rock was thrown at the three as fast as bullets, and they were thrown on the ground.

The four gods turned back, and realising the opportunity, Hermes yelled. "RUN!" The four booked it towards the great palace, intent on losing them through all the hallways just as Hermes and Apollo had lost Heracles.

Deimos was the first to get back on his knees, and he saw the gods trying to escape. His long black hair was still flowing from the wind caused by the explosive as he reached to his belt. He held up a small green ball and inserted his finger into a little loop on the side.

Click, he pulled the pin, and reeled his arm back. The god of terror roared as he threw the grenade, and Apollo just barely saw the object land in front of the door they were about to enter. "WATCH OU-" He shouted, skidding to a halt, but it was too late. Another explosion was set off, and the four gods were sent flying back, somehow still alive.

Percy hissed in pain as he felt the burns from the explosion, and looked down. There was a piece of shrapnel in his left hand, and one jammed in his ribs. He looked over at Artemis, who was barely conscious. He managed to roll onto his stomach and see what was going on.

All he could hear was ringing, but he could see the three gods approaching slowly. With each blink he felt like his eyes wouldn't open again. He heard a cough, and Artemis was propped up on an elbow, bleeding from the stomach and mouth.

Apollo appeared to be unconscious on the ground, and Hermes was also propped up on an elbow, looking dazed. He made eye contact with Percy and squinted, trying to discern where he was. When he finally figured it out, the god smiled. As Percy looked behind him, his face fell.

The three gods had made it over to them, and as Hermes turned his head to see what was going on, Poseidon shot him between the eyes. Percy couldn't even scream, instead watching Hermes' lifeless body flop onto it's back. Deimos trained his rifle on Apollo, prepared to do the same to him, while Phobos prodded Hermes' body to make sure he was dead.

Percy noticed something on the ground in front of him, his glinting silver revolver. As he reached out an arm to pick it up, he nearly cried out in pain. His arm was bleeding, and too weak to pick up the gun. Poseidon began walking over to them, turning his head to look at Apollo.

Suddenly, before Apollo could meet the same fate as Hermes, there was the sound of rapid gunfire, but not from Deimos' rifle. Bullets whizzed past them, and the three gods whirled around to face their attackers. They began firing at some people, and Percy took the moment.

With his arm too frail to wield the gun, Percy slid it across the road to Artemis, who was holding her bleeding stomach. She saw it, and looked at him. Their eyes connected, and Percy prayed that she'd be able to read his mind. She nodded, and desperately grasped the gun.

With blood trailing from the side of her mouth slowly, she checked the bullet count. 5 in the chamber, enough to take out their three wardens. With a flick, the cylinder popped back into place, and she took aim.

Click, bang, Phobos' neck started spurting ichor. Startled, Deimos and Poseidon turned their heads to him, and Artemis took aim again.

Click, bang, a hole appeared in Deimos' chest where the bullet tore through, and he dropped to his knees. Poseidon had turned around now, and both of them brought their guns to point at each other. Percy's eyes widened, and he prayed to the Fates that Artemis' finger was faster than his father's.

Click, bang, a gunshot sounded echoing through the entire city. Poseidon's head was thrown back by the impact, and he fell onto his back, the pistol slipping from his hand.

Artemis sighed in relief, and dropped the revolver from her shaky hand. As he faded out of consciousness, Percy saw a group of shadows approaching them from the direction the gunshots had been coming from. Right before he slipped away, their faces became clear to him, and Percy thanked the Fates when he saw the Seven looking down at him with worry.

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