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The god of war strode in, wearing his common attire of sunglasses, combat boots, red shirt, black jeans and duster coat. His face was scarred and a brutal smirk adorned his lips. In both hands he held rifles not unlike Percy's, currently aimed at the sky. As he stepped foot in the throne room, the rifles lowered, coming to rest in their direction.

As the barrels stared them down, Percy and Artemis' eyes widened. With time seemingly still slowed exponentially, both gods took the initiative to dive for cover behind the thrones.

Percy grunted from the impact and looked over to Artemis. Bullets whizzed over their heads and he was crouched down behind Hephaestus' throne. Artemis had her hand on her stomach wound, likely having hurt it during the impact. Thankfully they both still had their guns on them, so they weren't defenceless.

They couldn't communicate over the roar of gunfire, so Percy simply had to hold up a hand in an ok sign. Artemis saw and nodded, before peeking her head slightly around the corner to see Ares. The god of war was still spraying away, laughing maniacally, and Artemis quickly snapped her head back to avoid a bullet in the eye.

Eventually the hail of bullets died down, and they could still hear Ares laughing. "You thought you could get the jump on me? You still think you can beat me? I'm the god of war, bitches! You can't beat me at my own game." He yelled.

Percy looked to Artemis, and a silent agreement passed between them. The goddess held up three fingers, and slowly counted down. Three. Two. One. Both of them launched out from their hiding spots, Percy with his rifle and Artemis with a pistol, firing shot after shot at Ares.

When they came out into the open, they saw Ares had slid over behind Dionysus' throne, and there was suddenly an explosion from Percy's left. He snapped his head towards the noise, and paled as a marble pillar came tumbling down towards them. Ares had thrown a grenade down by Artemis' throne. "ARTEMIS! LOOK OUT." He cried as she noticed the towering shadow growing bigger and bigger over her.

Both of them dived out of the way, and Percy escaped the crash. Artemis, however, had her foot get completely crushed by the object, and she cried out in pain. Worriedly, Percy ran over to tend to her, and her eyes widened. "Percy! Watch out!" She called, and Percy didn't have enough time to spin around on his heel and face Ares when.


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