Whiskey Hotel

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They left the great palace and entered a war-torn city. Percy didn't even know how the buildings became demolished, but he guessed someone like the Hephaestus or Ares kids had explosives. Either that or Heracles had smashed every building looking for more victims.

He also didn't know how the hell Heracles would be defeated. It would likely come down to a one on one between him and the war god, and then perhaps Percy and Artemis could take out the winner while his back was turned. Sure it was a sucker move, but all's fair in love and war.

The streets of Olympus were eerily quiet, and both Percy and Artemis found themselves clutching their weapons tighter and checking both directions as they walked. They also inspected various wrecked buildings for hovels to hide in, but none were safe enough, either from the enemies or just the house collapsing entirely.

Artemis was right, gunshots started sounding from the market area. Someone had obviously come face to face with someone keen on winning. Their pace increased as they briskly walked in the opposite direction from the noise. They did not want to get caught up in that fight.

Suddenly, the worst possible thing could happen. They heard rapid footsteps, and Ares' voice from around the corner. "Come on! It's coming from that way!" He shouted, and the two gods panicked.

They looked around frantically, but there was no place two adults could hide should a horde of Ares and Mars children come barrelling around the corner. They didn't have any time.to set some elaborate hiding spot up, since they'd only have a few seconds. What happened next likely saved their lives. "Psst."

Their heads snapped to the side, and saw a door was left ajar. No one was there, but they could hear a voice behind it. "Quickly!" It hissed. Not wanting to disobey it and die, Percy and Artemis rushed inside.

The door was quickly shut behind them, and Percy could just barely see the first sets of feet come dashing around and down towards the market. None seemed to have spotted them, which meant they were safe for now. "Uncle?" Artemis asked, and Percy's head turned in surprise.

Poseidon stood there with his arms folded across his chest, grinning at the two of them. "Percy! Artemis! I'm so glad you guys are okay." The bearded clone of Percy exclaimed, hugging them both tightly. Despite her usual distancing from men, Artemis allowed it. Times were tough, maybe a hug was what they all needed.

He pulled away, and Artemis was immediately tackled by someone with a head of blonde hair. "Sis!" Apollo cried, squeezing her tight. Artemis choked, and put her hand on Apollo's face, trying her best to push him away. "Apo- can't... breath..." He managed to get out, and he let her go.

The goddess gasped for air as Percy and Hermes greeted each other, and the two gods awarded him with fist bumps. When she got some Aether back in her lungs, she looked up at their friends. "How? We thought you got caught by Heracles?" She asked, and Hermes shook his head. "Old dummy lost us after a couple hundred metres. Hard to chase the fastest god and the sun when you weigh as much as a mountain." He laughed.

Percy and Artemis gave each other a nervous side-glance. "So he's still out there. Great. Let's just hope Ares and his gang manage to overwhelm him." Artemis mumbled, crossing her arms. Poseidon chose to interject. "Actually, we were talking about that not long before you guys arrived. Heracles' armor may be impenetrable, but that doesn't mean it's glued to his skin. All you gotta do is get the jump on him and tear just one piece off, then he has a weak point." The god of the seas told them.

Percy turned to his father. "How are you still alive? Have you been hiding here all day?" He asked, hands on his hips, and Poseidon gave a cheeky grin. "You betcha." He said. Artemis looked over at him. "Do you know who's still alive?" She asked, and immediately the god's face fell.

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