Dwarfs' Mine

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     The four were now standing near a small curved wooden bridge in the woods. On the other side of the bridge was a pathway that diverged, on direction lead to a small cottage while the other went deeper into the trees. An owl hooted, making the atmosphere feel more creepy. "So this is the Dwarfs' Mine..." Deuce said, looking around. "Long ago, this mine was flush with magestones."

    Grim groaned. "Who knows what lurks in there now?" He said.

   'Can't be worse than a villian.'  You thought. You felt shivers go down your spine as you recalled the night the training camp was attacked by the League. You remember fighting off Toga with Uraraka and Tsuyu. Before that, the trust you had going into the woods at night reached a new level of distrust. "Look, I can see a house." Ace said, snapping you out of memory lane. "Let's see what the people there have to say."

"I doubt that there's anyone in there." You said.

"You don't wanna have any help? Typical, let me guess you're trying to prove that you're not useless?"

"No, it looks abandoned."

"Let's just head to the house." Deuce said before Ace could give a remark. The four walked across the bridge and up to the porch. The blue haired boy knocked the door. "Hellooo? Is anyone home...?" After a moment of silence he shrugged and opened the door. "Must be empty. It looks it's been abandoned."

You gave Ace a cocky smirk. "Guess I was right." You said as you followed Deuce inside. The ginger just stood in shock as you went in the house. He wasn't expecting you to give a sarcastic answer and follow Deuce inside. He thought that you would've stood in the doorway in fear and he'd have to drag you in. Holding your wrist wouldn't have been a bad idea though.

"I got a spider web on my face!" Grim said. He spit out the bits that got in his mouth and wiped the rest off his face. You got on your knees and helped him get the rest off. "Thanks henchman."

"You're welcome."

"Look how tiny these desks and chairs are." Ace said. "Did children live here?" You pinched the bridge of your nose in disbelief. Did he really forget who worked at these mines? "One, two,... seven! It's like a clown car in here." You looked up and saw seven small chairs around a long, short table.

"When the mine was flourishing, this house must have been a lively place." Deuce said.

"It's a bit sad to see the place in this state." You said, looking around at the dust covered surfaces and spider webs in the corners. You wondered what the original inhabitants would think of their home now if they saw it.

"Well, this isn't getting us anywhere." Ace said. "If we're gonna find a magestone, it'll be inside the mine. Let's head inside and take a look."

You guys left the house, with you closing the door behind you. You guys walked off down the path that went deeper into the trees. After walking for a while, you guys stopped when you came to the entrance of the mine. Tree trunks and vines covered part of the top with rocks crowding around the bottom, with barely enough room to get in. You could see old tracks on the ground. "You wanna go inside there?" Grim asked, looking at the entrance in fear. "It's pitch black!"

"What are you scared of the dark?" Ace asked. "Pathetic."

Grim mewed in offense. "I'm not scared of anything! I'm taking the lead. You all follow me!" Before you could stop him, he took off running into the mine.

"Grim wait!" You yelled as you ran in after him.

"(Y/N), wait up!" Deuce said as he and Ace ran in after you. You saw small bright blue lights and followed them deeper into the mine. "Hold up!" Deuce said as you three caught up to him, standing in the middle of some old tracks. You looked around the inside and saw bits of glittery gems in the rock walls.

"What now?" Ace asked.

"There's something there!"

You looked around, trying to figure out what he saw. That's when Grim screeched and you guys saw two ghosts wearing cloaks now in front of you. The taller of the two chuckled. "Visitors!" He said. "The first in ten years!"

"Do make yourselves at home." The smaller of the two said. "You can stay forever!"

The boys pulled out their pens as Grim ran behind your legs. "G-G-Ghosts!" He yelled in fear.

   "This is not good." You said.

"Give it a rest scaredy cat!" Ace said.

"Ghosts are the last thing we need right now." Deuce said. "Let's give those ghosts the slip and run! Follow my lead!" You guys took off running deeper in the mine the the three magic users firing off spells to keep the ghosts back, while you lead the way. Their aim wasn't the best as it was a hit and miss with the targets. It also didn't help with the two boys arguing.

Grim sighed in relief when the ghosts finally vanished. "I think we lost them!" He said.

"We're not out of the woods just yet." Deuce said. "Let's keep going!" That's when you guys heard something that sounded like a laugh and looked at the source, to see more ghosts.

    "More ghosts?!" Ace said in surprise. "They're floating around here too!"

    "If we stop to fight, we'll never get anywhere." Deuce said. "Let's just keep moving."

    "Sure but don't act like we voted you team leader. The only reason we're here in the first place is because of that stupid stunt you pulled." The ginger glared at the other boy as he said that.

    "Oh? I'm pretty sure this all started because you tried to shirk your window cleaning punishment!" Deuce now had a glare on his face that matched Ace's, maybe a little more intimidating than the other.

    "So we're bringing up ancient history now? Then if wanna get down to brass tacks, that all started when furball torched that statue!"

    Grim gasped, feeling offended. "Maybe you shouldn'ta made fun of me, then!" He retorted.

   "Guys!" Deuce said before a fight could brew between the two. "We're in real hot water, remember?! If we don't come back with a magestone by morning, we're all being expelled!"

    "Yeah, which is why we don't need you ordering the rest of us around." Ace said. "It gets old real fast."

    "Okay, all of you need to cool it." You said. "Having this hissy fit won't get us that stone. So— hold up. I think I heard something." Ace opened his mouth to retort but you shushed him. "Listen." You mumbled.

    "...iiivvv... ...oooouuu..." A low voice said, echoing throughout the rocky tunnels. Its voice alone was enough for the hairs on the back of your neck stand up. You glanced at the others to see fearful expressions on their faces.

    "Huh?!" Everyone said in surprise. What was that?

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