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"It couldn't be anymore,


You know when you wake up and everything seems dark, but as soon as you open your eyes it's like someone lit a candle in your face. Well that's what I felt like. I try to bring my hand up to wipe away the tears but something seems to be preventing me.

I blink a few time to try adjust to the light before looking down to see an arm wrapped around my stomach. I then look behind me to see it's Kili. Shocked I try to get out of his embrace but I fail miserably.

"Comfy?" I hear a voice say. Although you can probably guess who it was. Fili.

"It's not funny." It really wasn't. I didn't want the rest of the company to start spreading rumors about us.

"Oh it is." He said while laugh.

"Sshh keep you voice down." I said trying desperately to free myself without waking him. Fili clapped a hand over his mouth to stifle his laughing which I was grateful for.

Even if Fili was right. It was incredibly comfy being safely tucked up in his strong warm arms...CARA! Control your thought's.

As soon as he loosened his hold on me I was up and gone as quick as a flash. Well, as quick as I could be.

"You do realize you're blushing." I here Rose say to me holding a straight face.

", no. It, it was the...sun. Yesterday. I, uh, just got sunburn." Seriously that was the best I could come up with. Sunburn. By all the Valar, Kili what have you done to me.

"Really? Alright. Whatever you say" Well at least she's talking to me. Even if she is only trying to make me blush.

" forgive me yet...hmm...pretty please" I say batting my eyelashes at her. If this didn't work I'll eat my guitar.

"Well..." oh dear.

"I know you were only thinking about keeping me safe, but I can look after myself. Alright, I forgive you." She says I pull her into a bone crushing hug to make sure she didn't change her mind.

"But I will get my own back on you" She says climbing onto Luna.

"Oh I don't doubt that." I say under my breathe picking up my guitar and strapping it onto Luna's saddle before climbing on behind Rose.

"Everyone ready to go." Thorin shouts to the company. A few disgruntled yes' make their way back to Thorin.

As we move on I notice Kili walk his pony up along side us. Oh no what if he knows he was holding onto me. That'll just be awkward.

"Welcome to the company Rose." Phew. Narrowly avoided that one.

"Thanks Kili." She says showing of her best smile. She's always had really nice teeth. All straight and white. And not just nice, I mean really nice. Like...what am I doing, I'm talking to myself about teeth. Great start to the morning Cara.

☾ later on ☽

Raining, raining...Still raining.

"Mister Gandalf, can you not do something about this deluge." I hear Dori shout over the sound of, wait. You guessed it...Rain.

"It is raining master dwarf and it will continue to do so until the rain is done. If you wish to change the weather of the world then I suggest you find another wizard." Gandalf days pointedly. Oooh he definitely put Dori in his place.

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