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The last ember on the fire slowly faded until they were black and the sun sparkled as it danced through the window. Silence echoed through the house. All that could be heard was the slow breathing of the sleeping forms in the living room.

Kili's POV

As I awoke I could feel something heavy a warm at my feet. I looked down and saw a young girl possibly in her late 60's. Long brown hair graced her face.

Then I remember last night. There was a wolf. She must be Wolf blood. But why would Gandalf invite her to join our quest, unless she can't be. I look at the dwarf girl again.'s Cara.

She's grown a lot since I last saw her. She different. I can remember her so clearly one the day she left. One of the saddest days ever. I'm glad to see her again.

Just as I was about to get up two hazel eye flutter open and look straight at me. She smiles, jumps up and embraces me in a hug.

"Oh Kili, I've missed you so much." She said. As I listened to her voice I noticed it was much deeper then when she was younger.

"I've missed you to." I say while one tear slips down my cheek not really believing what was happening. She's really back.

"Let me look at you." She says as she steps away, the warmth leaves my body and I stand up.

"You've grown; you and Fili aren't little dwarfs anymore." She says, her voice laced with sadness she wipes the tears of my cheek with her thumb like she used to do when we were young if I was hurt.

"Neither are you. You fully grown wolf. Just a little tip. If Thorin get on your nerves, don't bite his head off." I say when she laughs tears still welling up in her eyes.

Cara's POV

Wow.....just wow. Kili is no little boy anymore. He's so tall and mature and, Just a tiny bit handsome. What, don't look at me like that.

"'s the pack, and your father." I could tell he was unsure of whether or not to ask that.

"The pack's good, Cadür's training new recruits. But that's enough about me, what about you. I hear there is a quest." I say smirking hoping he wouldn't notice I missed a question.

"Oh you would wouldn't you." He say's looking around.

"Where is everyone?" I look around and see that only Fili, Bofur, Ori and Balin are in the room with us, and they're asleep.

"The rest must be outside." Kili said looking around.

I look straight at Fili and smirk. Kili seemed to know exactly what I'm think as he's getting too as we both run and jump on top of Fili.

"Ugh...KILI." Fili pushes us both off and stands up, but as usual I'm way too quick for him. I grab his arm flip him over and pin him down with my foot as I stand up.

"Still as slow as ever I see." I say looking down at him, proud of my strength.

"Cara!" He exclaims in disbelief. I let him go as he stood up and pulled me into a tight hug.

"What are you doing here?" He said pushing me away so he could see me.

"Well Gandalf found me and persuaded me to come on the quest." I say looking at them both.

As I was looking at them I notice how much taller they are.

"What's wrong?" Kili asked.

"You're taller than me now." I said to Fili frowning.
"You...not so much." I stood on my tip toes looking at Kili. Truth be told we were probably the same height...actually he's a little taller but I shan't tell him that.

They both look at each other and then pick me up spinning me around. It's times like this you can't help but smile.

"AAHH stop, stop, stop! I think we've woken everyone up." I said giggling as we look around and see 3 grinning face looking at us.

"Hello." I say feeling slightly embarrassed.

"Good to see you again lassie." Bofur say's pulling me into a light hug smiling, then letting me go as he walks to the front door and walks outside with Ori following him.

"It's very nice to see you again Cara." He says walking out.

Aww...bless him, he's still so shy.


"Good to see you again lass, it's been an age." He says as he engulfs me in his bear hug. Aww Balin has to be the kindest dwarf I've ever met.

"Come...Let's go and surprise everyone else." He says as Fili and Kili walk up beside me.

I followed the boys outside hiding behind them the whole time.

"Uncle." Fili said making sure to hide me behind his taller figure.

"What." Oh his voice is still as scary as ever.

"Uncle." He says struggling to keep a straight face.

"What on middle earth...what are you trying to pull on us Fili?" Thorin says starting down Fili's feet. Oops. I'm not very good at hiding from Thorin

"Nothing...except maybe this." He says as he sidesteps revealing me behind him. I stand smirking in between the two brothers.

"Cara." Thorin says in his scary facade dropping ever so slightly. I can't wait any longer as I run up to him and jump into his arms.

"Did you really not realise it was me." I said as Thorin chuckled.

Everyone else cheers and pats me on the back. But nothing can distract me from hugging Thorin. The man who was like a second father to me when my father was leading the pack.

"My dear, I thought we'd lost you." He says with such sincerity.

"'re not angry with me for leaving without talking to you first." I say hoping the answer is 'no'.

"Your family is important to you. I would never hold that against you." He said holding my shoulder. I turned to see the rest of the company all with big grins. One in particular I was very happy to see.

"Dwalin." The burly dwarf laugh and scooped me up in his arms. Dwalin taught me and the boys how to fight and would accompany me when I would travel between the pack and the Blue mountains. He held me for a while. Guess they really did miss me.

"Aye Lassie, you should have let us know it was you." He said putting me down.

"Well I thought it would have been obvious." The company laughed a little at that statement.

All of a sudden a strange noise could be heard that I knew all too well.

"What's that noise? It sounds like thunder. But there's not a cloud in sight." Nori say's looking around. As it gets louder I whistle and the noise changes direction. Now everyone is looking at me with confusion.

A golden white horse that shone like the moon running over to Bilbo's house. She huffed and shuffled as she reached me.

"Everyone...I'd like you to meet Luna."

(A/N) Hi...I hope you liked this chapter. Remember vote and comment 😉

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