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As the sun emerged from the trees a lone wolf walked from under a fallen tree with a rabbit in its jaws. As she walked she started to pick up a scent...but whose scent was it. Not a dwarf, nor an Elf. This was something far more recognisable...wizard.

I could smell a wizard was close by and I knew exactly which one. Gandalf.

I changed back from my wolf form and slowly weaved my way through the trees until I could see a grey pointy hat poking out over a bush.

"Gandalf." I exclaimed with a smile gracing my lips.

"Cara my dear it is good to see you. How have you been keeping?" He asked me crouching slightly so I could see him better. I never realised how tall he actually was until now.

"Oh, you know, keeping to myself and staying out of trouble." I said smirking. Okay so I may not have told the whole truth.

"I find that hard to believe. How is your father?"He asked sincerely.

"He's...doing ok. More stubborn than ever." Me and my big mouth.

"What's that about me being stubborn?" My father said as he rounded the corner we were at.

"Um....nothing." I said with a big smile.

"Good to see you Gandalf, may I enquire as to why you're in our neck of the wood." I cringe at my father poor joke.

"Well Arren, I would like someone to share an adventure with." He said very secretively.

"Well you've come to the right place. Cara's your girl. She been literally begging me to take her on every hunt and quest the pack go on." He said looking at Cara's blushing face.

Gandalf then looked at me with curiosity as he was waiting for me to say something.

"I would be delighted to join you on your adventure, quest, thing." I say a little confused.

"Good, I shall inform the others." Gandalf said picking his staff up from leaning against a tree.

"And who are these others." My father asked with curiosity. He's always been very good at being protective of me.

"Well that is a surprise. Thorin Oakenshield will be joining us if you must know." He said as he turned around and walked off but he paused as if he was thinking. My farther raised an eyebrow at this.

"And what quest would Thorin be going on may I ask?" He did tend to worry a lot.

Well if Thorin was going to be there so was I.

"What does it matter. He's family I would help him in a heart heartbeat no matter what." I said holding my father's hand. Gandalf didn't say anything to that part from step a little closer.

"I will leave a mark on the door of a hobbits home at the shire, you won't miss it. I will see you there in a day's time."

"A days' time that's not long at all."

" better run then." And just as soon as he had appeared, he was gone.

"I'm not sure how I feel about this. Thorin wouldn't go on just any quest. You know what he's after." My father said as he placed a hand on my shoulder. I turn around to embrace my father in a tight hug.

"I'll be alright. You know I always am." I say nuzzling my face in his chest.

"Hmm. Yes." He said looking slightly concerned.

"You're a strong leader Cara. I don't doubt that you will be able to look after yourself. But that doesn't mean I won't be worried about you all the time." My father said holding cheek.

"You'll be ok here without me, won't you?"I asked worry laced in my tone.

"We'll be back together soon. Time will fly." Father said smiling as we walked together. I linked our arms and rubbed his soothingly. A little pain evident on his face.

Third person POV

Little did they know that right around a wall a young wolf had heard everything.

When Rose heard Cara and her father approaching she ran as quickly as she could back home so she wouldn't be spotted. She wasn't going to let Cara go on an adventure without her that easily.


Cara: And we're off. This should be interesting-* sniff sniff* Gandalf you know I can smell you from a mile away.

Gandalf: Well...I shall take a bath then if it bothers you so much.

Cara: No, I didn't mean...Oh never mind.

Chapter 2 yay. Hope you like it. 😄


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