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"Keep the spirit strong."

"What do you thing took them" Bilbo said still holding the soup bowls.

"Well as our official Burglar I think this would be your area of expertise." Fili said stepping away from the up-rooted tree so Bilbo could have a look.

"Well...I would say something large...very large and possibly quite dangerous." Bilbo said scratching his head.

"That was out thinking." Fili stated rolling his eyes. Honestly!

"Look." Kili said pointing towards a light. I could smell something worse now.

"Trolls." I said growling slightly.

"T-trolls." Bilbo said sounding very nervous.
Just then one of the troll came lumbering past us caring two ponies. As we hid behind the trees keeping out of sight I felt an arm snake around my waist. Oh gods it was Kili. I could feel my cheeks burning up.

"They've got minty and myrtle. We've got to do something." Bilbo said seeming to gain a bit of confidence.

"Yes you should." Fili said. Uh oh.

"N-no. No..."

"It's okay trolls are slow and stupid and you're so small and quick. They'll never even notice you." Fili said as Bilbo shook his head the whole time.

"If you run into trouble hoot twice like a barn owl and once like a brown owl." Kili said grabbing my hand and pulling me away. I didn't really have much of a choice on the matter. Gods he was strong.

"Where are we going?" I asked impatiently.

"To tell Thorn." Fili said exasperatedly.
Oh they are in trouble!

As we ran up the last hill a few faces turned to us looking slightly worried. Thorin on the other hand just looked grumpy. Like he always does. Grumpy the dwarf. Nah that's a stupid name for a dwarf.

"Ponies...Bilbo...troll...rescue." Fili managed to choked out as he gasped for air. Thorin looked totally pissed off like he knew something like this would happen. I would have been less worried if Rose wasn't taking a bath in river in the forest.

"Rose! She doesn't know!" I said running off.

"Cara! Wait. You don't even know how to kill a troll." Kili said running behind me, as we're the others.

"Well there's no time like the present." I say turning into my wolf and taking if towards the trolls. I was soon followed by the rest of the company caring there weapons. As they went off to save Bilbo I turned to go and find Rose. I pushed myself to move faster, hoping and praying she was alright. As I reached the river I passed back into my human form and I looked up and down the river. But I could see nothing. No this couldn't be happening I can't have lost her already.

"Cara?" Turning round a was met, thankfully, by a fully clothed Rose.

"Oh thank the stars." I said pulling her in a bear hug trapping her arms. Yuck wet hair in face.

"Cara? Is everything alright." She asked furrowing her eyebrows. Ha everything alright. When is it ever?

"No. Trolls took the ponies, Bilbo went after the trolls and the Dwarves went after Bilbo." I said releasing her from my grip.

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