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That night the air was cold and fresh, no birds chirped. No animals rustled about in the leaves. It was very quiet.... almost too quiet. Lights bounce off a lake at the shire and danced like fairies on the water's surface.

Cara's pov

As I climbed the last hill of the shire I breathed out a sigh of relief. Now that was a longest journey I've ever run in one go. My paws are starting to ache a bit from running all the way from the Oakwater forest.

I walked along a stony path when I soon came across a glowing blue light coming from a round, green door. As I looked closer I could see there was symbol on it. This must be the house Gandalf meant.

As I trotted up the little path to the door I could hear talking coming from inside.

"That's what Bilbo Baggins hate's..."

I jumped up to lean on the wall and pull the door bell with my jaws.

The door opens...I see 14 pairs of eyes looking back at me.

"Why is there wolf..." The hobbit I assume is Bilbo asks looking very confused and quite scared.

I look around the room seeing so many familiar faces, and two I know very well.

I look around the room seeing so many familiar faces, and two I know very well

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Kili and Fili. There not little boys anymore, just very mature, and not to mention handsome, grown dwarfs. Even though Kili still has hardly any beard, he still looks very dashing.

"Well, Gandalf explain yourself." Bofur asks looking me up and down.

"This is the 16th member of the company." He say's patting me on the head which surprisingly is quite reassuring.

"Who is it?" Fili asks. He looks at me with the faintest hint of recognition and maybe just a smidge of hope.

"Well, you'll just have to wait to wait 'till morning." Gandalf says smirking.

"And why is that?" Asks a deep voice say's behind me, that I know all too well.

Thorin. He looks no different than when I first met him. Although His eyes show such torment. A storm brewed in those eyebrows.

"Ah Thorin, you made it." Gandalf says.

"Only just. I lost my way twice. Wouldn't have found it but for that mark on the door." He spoke while putting his coat down.

"Mark? There is no mark on that door, it was painted a week ago." Bilbo said frustrated.

"There is a mark I put it there myself." Gandalf said trying to calm him down.

Thorin walked over to Bilbo and looking straight down at him. For the sake of the Valar be civil Thorin.

"So this is the Hobbit." Too late.

"Tell me Mister Baggins have you done much fighting." He says as he walks around him menacingly.

"Pardon me?" Oh poor Bilbo. Now is not the time to be scared.

"Axe or sword? What is your weapon of choice." Seriously Thorin does he look like he has a weapon of choice.

"Well I've got some experience in conkers if you must know." Bilbo say cockily but that confidence soon left him. "But I fail to see what relevance that has." Oh Bilbo.

"Thought as much. He looks more like a grocer than a burglar." He said walking off with the other dwarfs.

I walked over to Bilbo and nuzzled his arm with my head to comfort him. He seemed a little startled at first seeing a giant wolf in his home, before he gingerly pet my head and walked off.

I soon followed after I realized I was alone.

As I was walking behind everybody Thorin stopped and turned towards me.

Ok now is the time to be scared.

"Gandalf what is the meaning of this wolf." He asks starring at me with cold, cold eyes. There was little recognition from his piercing gaze.

"Like I have said, you're going to have to wait until morning." He says smiling.

Phew...saved by Gandalf. Everyone sat down and started talking about who was helping them with the quest.

"What news from the meeting at Ered Luin? Did they all come?" Asked Balin.

"Aye. Envoys from all seven kingdoms." Thorin answered.

"And any word of the wolf bloods?" Dwalin asked hoping for a good response.

"They haven't been sighted in years. There's 9 clans and not one has been found. They're nothing more than a myth now." Thorin replied almost chuckling but her eyes raised to look at me. Many eyes raised to look at me.

"You don't think..." Bofur started but Thorin raised a hand to silence him. Maybe he didn't trust me or maybe he just didn't realise what he was looking at. The conversation continued with a heavy feeling in the air. But I really wasn't taking much notice. All I could think about was that really juicy looking steak Fili had in front of him. I heard stomach growl. Right that's it. I trotted over to Fili and nudged his arm with my snout. When he looked to me and I looked over at the steak, then back to him.

He seemed to get the message as he handed me the steak that I wolfed down. (No pun intended.)

I decided to listen into the conversation just to see what they were nattering on about.

"Ravens have been seen flying back to the mountain as foretold. When the birds of yore return to Erebor, the reign of the beast will end."Oin say. Ugh honestly he thinks he knows everything.

"What Beast?" Bilbo asked. But it was enough to make me shiver. Smaug.

"Well that would be reference to Smaug the Terrible, Cheifest and greatest calamity of our age. Teeth like razors. Claws like meat hucks..." Bofur said before he was cut off.

"Yes I know what a Dragon is." Bilbo snapped quite distressed.

Not wanting to hear anymore of that terrible day, I walk off to find the fire place.

As the heat penetrated through my fur memories flooded back to when I was younger. On the full moon Kili and Fili would stay up all night to keep me company. We'd sit in front of the fire place and they'd play shadow puppets as I would warm myself by the fire. It was the fun times that remember most. But that raises the question. Would they remember me?

After a heavy this was heard in the dining room, everyone filtered into the living room as Thorin started to sing. Something that I've always been very fond of.

As he begins, I walk over to Kili and curl up as best I could close to him. I can sense him flinch slightly but then relax as he strokes my back.

"You're friendly aren't you." He whispered. Yes more than you know.

As I listened to the dwarfs sing, I let my eye's close and drift off into a deep sleep.

"Far over the misty mountain cold,

Two dungeons deep and caverns old,

The pines were roaring on the height,

The trees like torches in the night,

We must awake ere break of day to find our long forgotten gold."

(A/N) Well...there we have it...the 3rd chapter :D

Please let me know what you thought of it a give me a vote if you liked it.

Bye xxx


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