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"Failure is the lake we need to cross together"

Rose's POV
Cara hastily and unsteadily stood up, her eyes still glowing golden. She was starting to scare me. Everyone was turned in her direction casting a worried glance her way. Only once had I found her so unhinged looking before...and she killed that day.

"Cara?" I whispered nervously.

"Something's coming." She shouted with flared nostrils as she unsheathed her swords, twirling them as she did so. Everyone seemed to stand alert and turn around in every direction looking for trouble. That is until a familiar face burst through the tree line.

"THIEVES, FIRE, MURDER." Not exactly what I was exciting...who am I kidding this is exactly what I was expecting.

"RADAGAST." Cara and I shouted as we ran to our old friend.

"Oh my dear girls...what are you doing here?" He said giving us in a big hug. He smelled of the forest and rabbits and...birds. Ok normal Radagast then.

"We're on a quest." I said excitedly.

"Correction, I am on a quest, she snuck after me." Cara scolded me once again. She still wasn't over the that was she. Baby steps.

"Good gracious...up to mischief again are we?" He said raising his eyebrows. "Ah Gandalf."

"Radagast! Radagast the Brown. Ah. What on earth are you doing here?" Gandalf smiled to his old friend.

"I was looking for you, Gandalf. Something's wrong. Something's terribly wrong." Radagast was visibly shaken. He went to speak again but paused for some reason.

"Oh, just give me a minute. Um, oh, I had a thought, and now I've lost it. It was, it was right there, on the tip of my tongue."

Cara raised an eyebrow. I mean no offence but, he wasn't exactly all there at times.

He seemed to remember but it wasn't what we were expecting. Well what else could you expect from Radagast the brown.

"Oh, it's not a thought at all; it's a silly old...stick-insect" I feel my stomach churn as Gandalf peel the creature out of Radagast's mouth. I dread to think how long that's been in there.

Gandalf took him to one side to talk while we waited. Cara walked over to a large rock and slumped against it. It seemed the control of the Eolas was wearing off.

"Cara are you alright?" I asked gently, trying my best not to rile her up again.

"I don't know." She breathed out heavily as she closed her eyes.

I heard snuffling at my feet and saw the rabbits that pull Radagast's sled. They're much bigger than normal rabbits and they're so fluffy. I knelt down to stroke them all. How could I resist.

Cara's pov

I felt like someone has just rummaged through the very essence of my mind. I can't tell Rose what I saw. She can't know.

"Cara..?" I turned slowly to see Kili. Looking at me with worry I his eyes. I nodded trying to tell his I was ok, he accepted it but didn't look convinced.

A howl broke our eye contact which I was thankful for. But that howl sent shivers down my spine.

"Was that a wolf. Do you know it." Bilbo asked turning to me.

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