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"I'm in the trees, im in the breeze, my footsteps on the ground."

Rose's pov

I didn't know where I was running too. I just knew I was scared. But not looking where you're going while running is stupid as running with a dagger up stairs.

I caught my paw in a root and went tumbling down a hill, shifting back into human form as I did so.

I lay on my back, lungs heaving for breath. I listened to the birds and steady flow of water. I slowed my breathing focusing on the sound and smells around me trying to rid myself of the painful thoughts.

Tears welled in my eyes and ran down my cheeks sending waves of sadness over me. It was the sort of crying that hurts your face. I clutched my arms into my stomach and curled up into a ball. I just wanted to have the ground swallow me whole. The pain was unbearable. Every time I closed my eyes I could see him and that terrifying smile. I'm glad Cara killed him.

"Rose?" I heard from a distance. It was Fili. He came looking for me. After the way I acted. Was he not afraid of me. Or should I be afraid of him.

I sat up and forgot about crying for a moment. I scrambled to my feet and hid behind a pillar by a large pond at the base of a waterfall. My heart raced in my chest.

As he came into the clearing I noticed he had removed his over coat and weapons. He looked worried.

"Rose? Where are you?" He whispered. He went over to the pond and sat down, resting his head in his hands. He didn't look worried, he looked distraught.

Had I done that to him?

"I'm here." I said stepping out from behind the pillar. I whipped my cheeks and met his eyes with mine. His face calmed and seemed relieved. He rushed to stand up but stopped himself, and slowly walked over to me.

"Are you ok?" He asked gently, stopping a few feet in front of me

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"Are you ok?" He asked gently, stopping a few feet in front of me. I sniffled a little and fumbled with my hands trying to find the right words.

"I don't...I mean I'm not.."

"Hey it's all right. You don't have to tell me," He reached a hand forward slowly offering it to me. He was being so cautious and watched every move I made. I stood still not really knowing what to do. But the urge for comfort took over

I tentatively took his hand and he led me back the way I had run from. We walked in silence for a few minutes. His thumb gently rubbed over my knuckles soothingly. As if to say I'm here without speaking.

But something wasn't right. I stopped and he gave me a confused look.

"Cara told you...didn't she?" I looked up as I let go of his hand. He breathed out and nodded.

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