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Kili's pov

And the surprises keep on coming.

"I've never seen a horse like it." Fili say's shocked.

"She is of the race of Mearas. They used to be thought a myth. It is said they can understand our language. She showed herself to me when I needed help. An orc pack attacked me in the Carven woods, and she saved me." She say stroking Luna's nose.

"Well, whatever she is we need to get going. Erebor isn't going to reclaim itself." Thorin say's patting Luna's nose.

"Wouldn't that be something" I say nudging Fili as he sniggers.

"So, you're okay with her coming on the quest." Cara says with an innocent face.

"Just as long as she doesn't run off." He says pointedly.

"She won't run off. Our spirits are bound." She says seeming extremely serious.

"Oh obviously! Come on then, MOVE OUT."Thorin shouts to the company as we mount up.

A few minutes into the forest.
. . . . . . . . .

Cara's pov

As we rode along we started to hear something like a shout.

"WAIT, WAIT!" Oh what now.

As I turn around I can see a small hobbit running towards us waving a piece of paper as he runs. As he gets closer I start to notice, it's not just any old's Bilbo.

"I signed it!" he says as he hands the contract to Balin.

Balin looks at it through his magnifying glass.

"Everything seems to be in order, Welcome to the company of Thorin Oakenshield." He says folding the contract up and putting it in his bag.

"Very well get him a pony" Thorin says sounding quite grumpy. But, then again when is he not.

"Oh that won't be necessary. I've been on a lot of walking holidays...even got as far as Frogmorten once." Bilbo trails of as Kili and Fili sneak up behind him as we lift him on a pony.

He is very bad at riding...I need to help him. I trotted Luna over to him a put my hand on his to lower the rains.

"She needs to be able to move her head." I say smiling.

"Oh...right, thank you." Bilbo awkwardly followed my instructions but he looked a lot more in control and Myrtle seemed happier.

"No problem...and look...Thorin may seem a bit...grouchy sometimes, but, he has trust issues. Come to think of it he's always had trust issues. He'll accept you in the company in no time." I say trying to comfort him.

"I hope you're right." He says with a worried look.

"Achoo...Ugh...all this horse hair. Having a reaction. No wait, STOP, Stop! We have to turn around." He says looking very distressed. This is getting quite annoying having to stop all the time.

As I rode ahead I caught sight of Fili and Kili and decided to cut short their conversation.

I cantered in-between their ponies to get their attention. 

"Hello!" I said a bit too enthusiastically, but I guess I'm just a very happy person.

"Careful, you nearly knocked me off my pony." Fili said giving me a pointed look.

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