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"Howl, caught in the open
Down, it's bleak and it's sobering"

*In The Cave*
Rose's pov

Once we were all down the cave Gandalf stood once more to count everyone. I winced as I felt bruises forming on my back. I didn't exactly land on my feet when I jumped down. My eyes flickered about, scanning for Cara. But I couldn't see her.

"Where's Cara?" It went early silent as everyone quickly turned their head to find her and then slowly looked to the entrance of the cave.

"WHERE'S MY SISTER!" This isn't happening. I was about to run back to the surface before my path was blocked by the falling body of a dead orc. An elf arrow protruded from it stomach.

I fell back onto the floor out of shock. Luckily, Kili caught my shoulder and helped me back up. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Fili give his brother a disgruntled look.

"We have to go back for her!" Kili said adamantly following behind me, but was stopped by something I never thought I'd hear.


I turned slowly to see Thorin had pulled the arrow from the orc and was starring at the feathers. All manner of thoughts flew about my head as I began to shake and tear up.

"What? She has to be alive." I whispered hoping for a different answer.

"I said no. There's nothing we can do for her." He was stoic. He threw the arrow away carelessly and carried on through the cave away from the entrance. Kili looked like he was about to kill someone himself.

"How can you say that! She's family, you're betraying h..."

"I AM NOT BETRAYING HER IF SHE'S DEAD." Thorin turned around and snapped shocking us all. A single tear rolled down his cheek. So he did care. Only a little. My heart sunk. How could she be dead. She can't be dead. I would have felt something.

Everyone slowly followed Thorin and a down hearted Gandalf, apart from Dwalin. He looked crushed. Never in my life had I seen him this low. He would often visit Cara and I when we were little. I think secretly, he had a soft spot for us. But he would never let the other know about that.

"How can you abandon her? Even dead she is still family!" The burly dwarf was on the brink of tears. It was kind of scary.

Thorin didn't listen. He just carried on. Tears cascaded down my face as my body shook with sobs. I held my hands over my mouth to stifle them but it didn't do much. I felt Fili place an arm around me guiding me to walk on. I can't give up on her. I wouldn't. She wasn't dead. Fili's face was straight, unmoving. He didn't say anything. It was so quiet apart from the sound of feet and dripping water. Kili was the only other person showing how he really felt. He cheeks were damp from crying and I was quite sure he was going to draw blood if he kept his hands clenched like that. His face that once seemed full of happiness was contorted in rage. His eyes bore holes in the back of Thorin's head.

Soon enough we arrived at an exit from the cavern and the sight nearly made me forget what had happened. Just for a second. I couldn't believe I was back.

"The valley of Imladres."

I saw Bilbo marveling at the beauty of the place

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I saw Bilbo marveling at the beauty of the place. Much to Thorin's dismay, we made our way down to a bridge that led to Lord Elrond's humble abode. As we entered the courtyard an elf greeted Gandalf calling him Mithrandír. The elegance and grace of how elves walked beguiled me. I wander about the courtyard aimlessly. The lingering sunlight warmed my face and for a second I forgot where I was.

What shook me out of my daze was the sound of drumming hooves on the bridge.

What shook me out of my daze was the sound of drumming hooves on the bridge

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I turned to see a troop of Elves riding towards us. The dwarves all huddled into a circle as the riders surrounded the company. As they came to a stop I noticed Lord Elrond was leading the group. As he dismounted he took with him the limp body of a person.

Time seemed to slow down when I realized who it was.

"CARA!" I shouted pushing past everyone as I tried to get to her. Her skin was so pale, almost see-through. I grasped her wrist to see her pulsing black veins. Elrond was quick to pass her to who I assume was a healer. I hoped.

"Follow me child. We'll take her to a healer." I guess not then. The male elf was so beautiful he could have been mistaken for a elleth. I saw one of the elves stop the brothers from following us. Thorin did not like this. None of the dwarves did.

I followed closely behind the elf taking tentative glances at Cara every so often. I could feel my heart still hammering in my chest.

"Is this your sister?" The Elf questioned as we hurried to an oak door that I helped push open for him.

"Yes! Will she be ok?" The Elf lay her down on a white bed before checking her wound. I winced seeing it see it for the first time. It looked septic and angry. Her veins, still pulsing black and her nerves caused her to twitch every now and then.

"The healers will help her. They'll know what to do." It wasn't a yes or no which didn't help my nerves one bit. All I could do was pray as the brunet led me from the room. Two healers quickly rushed in and swarmed around Cara, mumbling amongst themselves.

The elf, whose name I learn was Fallír, stayed by my side as I waited out side at a small balcony overlooking a stream and a forest. He was the nicest elf I'd ever met.

Cara's screams shook the building, but Fallír held me close as I cried. I could even hear the dwarves protesting from outside, but there was no point arguing. It wouldn't help Cara. Her pain echoed in my head. Sometimes our connection wasn't exactly what I'd call ideal. We sat at a bench on a balcony and watched the setting sun trying to block out the torment unfolding in the other room.

Fallír taught me about his beliefs and knowledge of the stars to try and distract me from the pain. But there was always something bothering me.

I wish Fili was here.

Hello my lovelies. Please don't @ me, I've been deceased for a while. I do apologise! This should have been update months ago 😖😭I hope you enjoyed it xxx see you next time xxx

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