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There was a dense fog with sparkling sun beams peeking through the trees. Their brown and gold leave slowly fell, as two young dwarf princes were playing with wooden swords in a clearing. Leaves ruffled and twigs snapped...but only one of the boy's notices.

Kili's pov

I could hear twigs snapping everywhere. We definitely weren't alone.

"Kili what's wrong."I hear Fili ask me.

"Something's not quite...right." I say as begin to see two yellow eyes staring at me through the bushes.

"UNCLE!" Obviously Fili saw them to.

"What's wrong-"Uncle Thorin came running to us with a man who Fili and I had never seen before.

"Look there...there's eyes in the bush." Fili said sounding quite scared. For some reason Thorin breathed out a sigh of relief.

"It's alright; you shouldn't be scared of something before you know what it is." He said whilst he took a piece of meat out of his pocket.

"Here, hold this out in front of you." Watching him handed me the piece of meat I really started to question his methods of toughening us up.

I held my arm out as straight as I could until I could see a snout poke out of the bush...wait...a snout.

I pulled my arm further and further and a small russet wolf cub started to walk out of the bush, take the meat and walk over to the strange man.

"It was just a wolf cub." Fili said smiling at her as she swallow the least I think it's a her.

"Cara." The man beside Thorin look a little cross. "Cara look at me."

The wolf cub lifted their head slightly and looked at up at the man with big eyes.

"I'm not going to wait all day." He said in a stern voice.

I watched with amazement as Cara transformed into a Dwarf. Except she wasn't a Dwarf at all, I was so confused. She had dark brown straight hair with bits of blonde running through it, hazel eyes and pale skin. And no facial hair. Not at all like a dwarrowdam, her ears were almost elf like.

"What did I say?" The man said to Cara, who now looked quite scared.

"Stay at the pack." She said with tears threatening to fall.

"Cara you need to start listening to me so that you are safe. I would never forgive myself if I let you get hurt." He said getting down to her level to hug her.

Cara's POV

"I'm sorry Da, I just wanted to see beyond the pack borders. You always say it's so beautiful and I wanted to see it for myself." I replied feeling my shoulders sink. I hated upsetting him.

"Well, you're safe and that's what matters. But in the mean time, I would like you to meet a very close friend of mine. This is Thorin Oakenshield, King of the Dwarves of Erebor. This is the man the pack fought with at Moria, do remember." He said.

Now that I could get a proper look at him I could see he had long dark hair with a single braid in the right side. He wore a blue shirt with a deer skin coat. He also wore black trousers with brown leather boots that covered half his shins.

"Arren, you speak too highly of me." Thorin said crouching down in front of me.

"It's a pleasure to meet you." He said shaking my hand.

"It's very nice to meet you too." I said feeling a little nervous.

"These are my nephews, Fili and Kili." Thorin pointing to two boys.

As he pointed to his nephews I noticed Kili starring at me, but as soon as I looked at him, he turned away he blushed almost as if he didn't want me to see him looking.

"It's lovely to meet you both." I said as I held out my hand to Fili and then Kili. I maybe held on to his hand a little too long. A smile crept onto his face which I returned.

"Why don't you three run along and play." My father said to me.

"Ok." We said in unison as we ran off into the forest.

"I think they'll get along just fine." Thorin said walking after the children with Arren.

10 years later

Two heavy, metal swords clashed together and one flew to the ground.

"Told you I'd beat you." Cara said to very worn out Kili.

"I just...wasn't ready." He said walking over to a table to get a drink of water.

"Are you going to use that excuse every time." She said grinning.

"Umm...yeah." He said and they both started chuckling.

"Well, that just shows how amazing I am." I said walking backwards.

Big mistake! My foot got caught in a net and I went flying backwards into a pile of Mud.

"Ugh...lovely." I mumble as Kili bursts out laughing.

"What were you saying." He says with a cheeky smile.

"Shut up...I'm gonna go get changed." I said walking over to the house.

"Alright, see you at dinner." He said picking up the swords to clean them.

As I walked back to the house a dove flew over to me and landed on the wall beside me.

"Aww aren't you cute...what's this." On its leg was a long-ish piece a rolled up parchment. I unravelled it and read...

'Dear Cara,
I regret to inform you that your Father has fallen gravely ill and therefore cannot lead the pack. We need to move to safer ground and I cannot say for certain where. Please hurry back.
All my love

And this is where I had to make the biggest decision of my life.

Stay with the dwarves or go to lead my pack. I need to do what's right, and I cannot leave my I did the stupidest thing ever...I ran.

I quickly gathered my thing and wrote a note for my friends.

'I am sorry I have left at such short notice but the pack has left me no choice. My father is ill and cannot lead. Do not try to find me. When the pack is whole again we must move on to safer grounds for my father.
I will never forget you
Love Cara'

I was about to run out the door when I paused and ran back to my bedside to grab a necklace Kili and Fili gave me for my birthday. It was a silver chain with a deep blue sapphire on it. It wasn't much but it meant a lot to me.

I then took off into the forest never to be seen again...or so they thought.


Disclaimer: I do not own the hobbit or wolf blood unfortunatly :p

Hope you like the first chapter of spirits and let me know what you think

Byeee xxx

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