Chapter Thirteen

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Chapter Thirteen

   He wants me to marry him?! Why would he want that? I'm damaged goods, I thought to myself as I sat in my father's study. I was curled up in his huge, leather office chair, the ones that are like arm chairs on a swivel base, with my knees puled to my chest, and I was wearing his beige cable-knit cardigan (that was drowning me), that his mother had knitted for him before she died. I was crying as I stared at the family portrait of my father, mother and I.

   "Babe, I'm sorry." Adam said as he came and crouched down in front of me, taking my hands in his own. I shrugged. "What is it?" He asked.

"Your dad is meant to walk you down the aisle, if not, a brother, or... a son, or something like that. How many of those do I have - come to think of it, how many living relatives do I have?" I said, staring at our entwined hands.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't even think. If I could erase the past thirty minutes of my life, I would." Adam said as he started to circle his thumb over my left ring finger.

"Don't." I whispered.


"I said don't. I'll do it. I'll marry you." I continued to whisper before I wiped my eyes and Adam pulled open the ring box. What was inside was wonderful. The box held a platinum ring with a princess cut diamond in the centre, with three smaller, round diamonds on either side of the square one. I moved closer to the ring to see that it had an entwined sort of engraving along the actual band of the ring. Adam leant forward and placed a delicate kiss on my lips before picking me up bridal style and carrying me back in to his room.

   As we lay in bed, Adam kept admiring my left hand and grinning to himself. "What are you grinning about?" I asked as I turned over to face him.

"Just happy." He replied, still grinning.

"Because..." I wavered, hinting for him to continue.

"You said yes. You actually said yes and you're marrying me. I knew I was going to marry you when we had that argument at Rose's house."

"What? That makes no sense."

"Because we argued, and then you came back to me instead of wandering off into the arms of some other guy or breaking up with me there and then, and I love you for that."

"I love you too." I whispered into his lips as I captured them with my own and kissed him. A sweet and innocent kiss.

   "So, do you like the ring?" Adam asked after he'd broken the kiss.

"I love it. It's beautiful, but... it must've cost a fortune." I said, my voice becoming unsure at the end.

"Not a penny. It's an heirloom, belonged to my great-great-great-grandma Margaret. She passed it down to her son, whose wife passed it down to her eldest son, who gave it to his soon-to-be wife, Elizabeth, who gave it to her only child, Martha, who married Fred and had two sons and gave it to the youngest, George, who married Jane, my grandma, who then, eventually, gave it to my dad, who gave it to my mum, who passed away and told my dad to give it to me, and not bury her with it. Gimme' a sec." Adam then started to get his thinking face on, he furrows his eyebrows and pulls his lips to one corner of his mouth, it was so cute. "Yep, I think that's about it."

"Wow." I muttered. "So, wait, they all just... gave away their rings?"

"No, not all of them. Margret gave it away, as did Elizabeth, but Fred died and Martha refused to wear the engagement ring after, so she died a widow and it was then inherited by George, and Grandma said that, when my mother wanted to get married, she would give the ring to my dad and then buy a new one, and then, well, Mum died. So, it was a pretty wild trip, and I would love to have that to continue."

"You know, that history only makes it all the more special." I whispered before kissing him again, more demanding kisses this time.

   "Do I get to meet your family some time then?" I asked as we were both laying in the bed, just trying to fall to sleep.

"Of course. When do you want to go?"

"Any time after Daddy's funeral." I whispered.

"Okay, we'll sort it out." Adam kissed my hair and then my neck before I fell asleep.

Dear God, why did you do this to me?!Where stories live. Discover now