Chapter Six

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Chapter Six

   As I pushed the lasagna around my plate, I sat and thought about what had happened between Adam and I. We'd kissed. Full on kissed, not just some little peck on the lips, we were all over each other. What was I going to do? I couldn't do this to my father, I couldn't show him how I'd betrayed him. I mean, he trusted me. About everything. He trusted me to make dinner and not poison him, to go out with friends and not get totally smashed, to hang out and live in a house with a gorgeous guy and not... merge with him.

   "Angel, you okay?" My father asked, interrupting my train of thought. "You've hardly touched your food."

"I don't feel too good, I'm gonna' go upstairs and try and get some sleep. I'll see you tomorrow." I said before clearing my plate away and going upstairs. Before I could even begin to think about the kiss, I dropped off like a light bulb.

   I jerked awake as I felt something on my face. I opened my eyes and sat up to see Adam kneeling beside my bed. "What are you doing here, Adam?" I asked.

"I came to see if you were alright, you've been asleep since half six." Adam answered, searching my face.

"Well, what time is it now?"

"It's half one. Your dad said you usually have a small nap and wake up if you don't feel well. I - we - were concerned."

"Oh, well, I'm okay, I've just got a bit of a headache. I've been doing a lot of thinking." Adam then cupped my face and started to caress my cheek with his thumb. I put my hands on his own and moved his from my face. He looked at me confused. "I can't. I can't do it, not to my father. He trusts me and I can't - no, I won't - betray that trust."

"You don't have to betray it, just... tell him."

"No. I won't do that to him. It'd break his heart."


"I'm all he has left. After my mother died, I was his rock. I was always there for him. Apart from me, he has no other family. My mother was an only child, as was he, and both of their parents are dead. If I start to go out with someone, I would feel like I was ignoring him, letting him go, forgetting him. I would feel awful."

"Don't you think you do enough for him? You cook, help on the farm, clean, stay in this place instead of going to a college or uni. Do you not think he kind of owes you? I mean, you've been there for him for like ten years, do you not want some freedom?"

"I have freedom."

"Let me rephrase it: do you not think that you deserve to fulfill your own dreams, do what you want without feeling indebted to your dad?"


"I'm just saying, he's got you on a leash - and a bloody tight one at that, even if he doesn't know he's doing it."

I slapped him across the cheek before saying "Stop it. My father has been great to me, and I just want you to let it go. Please." He stood up and left the room.

   The next day, I slept later, ignoring my alarm. At eight o'clock, Adam came in and said "Breakfast's ready."

"Leave me alone." I said in a monotone voice. Then my alarm started to ring again. Adam looked at me, adamant not to leave. I picked up my alarm and threw it in the direction of his head. Though, I forgot about gravity and it was pulled towards the ground faster than I'd expected, landing a hard shot at his crotch. His eyes widened as he grabbed his manhood. It was quite an amusing look. I then turned over and tried to get back to sleep.

After a few minutes, I felt a pair of lips kiss my neck before saying "That... wasn't very nice." I rolled over to see Adam.

"I'm not a nice person." I muttered before turning back over.

"You're extremely nice, and so much more. You're caring, selfless, cute... sexy... irresistable and... kissable..." After every compliment he kissed my cheek. I turned over just as he was about to kiss me again and got a kiss on the lips. The kiss deepened and became more passionate as Adam sat on my bed and his arm hooked around my waist. My hands had found their way to the nape of his neck as I tugged gently on the tips of his shaggy hair that I loved dearly.

When we seperated, I panted "How come... all... of our... kisses... come from... accidental ones?"

After a minute of breathing in and out whilst rubbing small circles on the small of my back, he said "Because they're the best kind."

I smiled before saying "You're right, you know."

"About what?"

"Me being able to do what I want."

"So, Dee, will you go out with me?" I sat and thought about this. It felt so natural being with Adam. It felt right. Just being here in his arms felt right... because we fit together perfectly. Sure, it was... extremely fast, but it was just... wow. But what about Daddy? Could I be with Adam and still be there for Daddy at the same time? Yes, Daddy's always busy, he'll never even notice.

"One condition."

"Anything." Adam said, still rubbing small circles.

"It has to be secret."


"We can't make out in front of him, we can't act all coupley around him. We can only do that at places like Rose's house and out of town. You get me?" Adam nodded before kissing me tenderly on the lips.

"Come on, we should get to breakfast." Adam said after our kiss.

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