Chapter Twenty Three

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Chapter Twenty Three

   Ed was currently bouncing up and down on my lap and saying "Mummy, when's he gonna' get here?"

I acted all clueless and said "When he's done in the shower."

Ed flapped his hands and said "No, not Daddy. Santa! When's Santa coming?"

"Santa will come when all of the children are sleeping."

"But... but... then I won't be able to see him and give him my list for next year."

I laugh, and Adam walks in and asks "What's so funny?"

"Your son wants to stay up so that he can give Santa his list for next year." I explain.

"But, Ed, Santa won't come if you're awake."

"I told him that." I say.

"Well, how about we take you upstairs and if I see Santa I'll come and wake you. We can even leave your list next to his milk and cookies, how about that?"

Ed nodded and climbed off of my lap. He yawned before saying "Daddy, make sure to wake me if you see him." Adam nodded and picked Ed up. He then carried him away up the stairs.

   "I do love Christmas." Adam said to me as he sat beside me and wrapped an arm around my waist.

I leant against him and said "Mmmm, me too. I just wish we could get some snow. The kids would love it."

"They would. Maybe it might happen this year." I just shrugged and leaned up to kiss him on the lips.

"Love you." I muttered in to his lips.

"You too, Babs." That had become my new nickname since Jasmine was playing with one of her dolls when she was two, and heard Adam calling me babe. So she started calling me 'babs', because she couldn't say 'babe'. And, well, Adam just, sort of, stole it.

   "MUMMY! DADDY! WAKE... UP!" I hear Ed shout as he jumps up and down on the end of the bed.

"Careful, darling, you'll hurt yourself if you fall off." I muttered. He didn't hear me. He soon lost his footing and ended up falling on a spooning set of parents.

He started to giggle and said "Look, it's snowing!" Adam and I both sat up to see that Ed had left the curtains open for us to see the thick, white blanket of snow that had covered our farm. I smiled and saw Jaz walking in with her red haired rag doll in her hand, trailing along the floor. She yawned and rubbed her tired eyes. Jaz then came and plopped herself on the bed between Adam and I, next to Ed.

Artie had soon followed her and was saying "It's Christmas! There's snow! Let's open presents!"

* * *

   "Ahh! It's cold!" I hear Jaz cry out as Artie's snowball  hits her in the face. He giggled and ran away as Jaz went to throw one back at him, only for him to fall face first in the snow. He giggled again and started to make a snow angel.

I soon hear Maxie shouting "You guys are so lucky, there's no land to play with the snow on when you live in a flat. So, we thought we'd come and join you." I then saw Maxie and Rose walking across the snow holding hands. I made a snowball and threw it. It split and hit Maxie's shoulder and Rose's boob. Maxie dusted away the snow on Rose and then Rose did the same to Maxie.

"Hey, watch the monkeys, will you?" I said as I turned to go and find Adam. I heard a muffled 'uh-huh'.

   I found Adam in the stable putting on the horses' coats. I went over to him and tip-toed so I could kiss his red ear. "Damn, Babs, you have cold lips."

"And you have a cold ear." He smiled and turned to kiss me.

"So, Rose and Max are here and... I think there's something going on between them."

"Wow, wouldn't have thought that'd happen. Anyways, what makes you think that?"

"Because they were holding hands and dusting snow off of each other's boobs and shoulders and... they're just... really, really friendly. You know what I mean?"

"Mmm, I suppose. Oh well. So, what brings you to the stables?"

"I came in search of my husband."

"Oh. Well, I'll let you know if I see him." Adam said before he wrapped his arms around me. I nudged his arm and kissed him. I helped Adam sort out all of the farm work before we went back out to the front to see a huge snowman having its carrot nose being inserted by Jaz, who was being lifted up by Maxie.

  "Oh, thanks guys! Make the snow man without us." I joked.

Adam took my hand in his own and said "Don't worry, Babs, we'll make a couple of snowmen later." He was grinning as he said this.

I smiled and whispered "Half eleven in the barn?" He nodded and kissed my cold cheek.

   We all sat in the lounge watching Christmas specials and drinking my amazing hot chocolate. I looked at the time and said "Kiddlywinks, time for bed."

"But... m-um, the show's not over." Artie moaned.

"Hon', it'll be on for the next two weeks." Rose said. He groaned but stood up and walked towards the stairs. I went up to get them ready for bed before reading each of them a story.

   When I came down, I saw Maxie and Rose with their arms around each other's shoulders and Rose half asleep. "Hey, Max." I whispered as I sat down beside her.

"Yeah?" She asked.

"Now, don't take this the wrong way, and I don't mean to pry but... well, I'm curious. Are-"

"Early days, but yes." Maxie said, cutting me off.

"You don't know what I was going to say." I told her.

"I do. I've seen the way you've looked at us all day."

"I've not got anything against it, I was just-"

"I know, you were just trying to work it out, get some proof before you asked."

"You make it seem like I'm gonna' send you to jail for it."

"You know what I mean." I nodded.

"Well, good to know." I told her. "I'm happy for you, both of you."

"Oh... oh my. Dear God, thank you for the sister-in-law slash best friend's blessing. I'm eternally grateful!" Maxie said, getting down on her knees and waking Rose.

"Ha ha." I said in a monotone voice.

"You tell 'er?" Rose muttered. Maxie nodded.

"Yeah, I was just thanking God for her blessing." Rose laughed.

"We're going to make snowmen, can you make sure the kids are okay?" Adam asked Max and Rose. They nodded and we made our way to the barn.

   After making a snowman outside of the barn, we lay in the snow making snow angels and Adam said "Just like Canada, eh?"

"Not completely, but it could be." I told him, a cheeky smile playing on my lips.

"I thought we only wanted two?"

"I dunno', I'm enjoying our three  monkeys."

He laughed lightly and said "Me too."

"Well, let's just see what happens."

* * *

   "Guys, meet your little sister, Gemma." I said as Ed, Jaz, and Artie crowded around my hospital bed.

"Mummy, she's so cute, can I have one?" Jaz asked.

I laughed and said "Not now, sweetie.", a grin plastered across my face.

Dear God, why did you do this to me?!Where stories live. Discover now