Chapter Four

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Chapter Four

When we got to Rose's house, I could hear the music. We walked along the path and knocked on the door. Rose answered, engulfing me in a hug. I hugged her back and said "So, let's go and meet Ethan's friends, shall we?"

Rose whispered in to my ear "Did you pick one up on the way?"

I laughed and said "No, this is Adam. Adam, meet Rose."

"So, this is the famous Rose?" Adam asked, shaking Rose's hand and smiling at her.

She grinned before saying "So, how'd you two meet?"

"Dee's dad hired me, and now I'm living with 'em." Adam said simply.

"Okay, babe, we are so having a sleepover at yours this week."

"Whatever you say, Flower." I said to Rose. Rose then grabbed my arm and dragged me inside.

As we went in to the kitchen, Rose whispered to me "Your dad has greattaste... you don't think he's gay, do you?"

I immediately stopped, turned to her and snapped "Don't say that!"

"Chill, girl, it was only a joke."

"So, what if it was, you don't joke about stuff like that."

"Okay, I'm sorry."

We all went in to the kitchen and got a drink. Alcoholic. I only had alcohol when I wasn't with my father, and even then I never had more than two drinks. I got myself a can of beer out of the fridge and started to drink it down, giving myself hiccups once I'd finished. Adam laughed at me and said "Wouldn't have thought of you as a drinker."

"I'm not a 'drinker', I just like the occasional drink." I replied, making air quotes with my fingers as I spoke.

"Don't we all?"

"Yep. So, why aren't you drinking?"

"Because one of us needs to be the designated driver."

"Not necessarily, they've got a few guest rooms upstairs. Okay, I say a few, they've got a whole floor of them with a couple beds in each. What do you say? Stay over the night, have a laugh?"

"Try and sway me."

"We can go out for breakfast tomorrow, my treat."

"Keep going."

"And I'll make you one of my hot chocolates every night for a month?

"You're on."

"Yep, nobody can resist my hot chocolate. Now, get a beer down you." I said as I pulled two cans out of the cooler and tossed one to Adam. He smiled and started to drink as I did, holding my eyes as if challenging me to drink it faster than he could.

Adam, Rose, Ethan and I were upstairs and we were playing ping pong. Sad, but we had a laugh. When you were slightly drunk, it was the most hilarious thing ever; you go to hit one of the two or more balls that you think are there and end up hitting your partner. As Ethan and I played against Rose and Adam, I noticed that she was flirting with him, accidentally hitting him with the paddle (I knew she was doing it deliberately as she wasn't even drunk, and you can only hit a person so many times in the chest even if you are drunk). I walked out of the room and rang my father up on my mobile.

"Amanda, where are you? It's half twelve, I thought you were going to be home by twelve at the latest?" My father half shouted down the phone.

"Well, Rose is having a bit of girl trouble so I'm staying over with her as she's really upset. I hope that's okay and I'm sorry I didn't call sooner." I told him whilst trying not to slur my words.

"Okay, well, thank you for calling. I'll see you tomorrow, Angel. Have a good night, and give Rose my best."

"I will. Love you, Daddy. Bye." I then hung up and went back in to see Rose trailing her index finger down Adam's chest.

"Rose, wh... what are you doing?" I asked her.

"Just having a nice chat with Adam. He's just so interesting and gentlemanly." Rose muttered as she stared in to Adam's eyes.

"So, did you call your dad?" Adam asked as he looked at me, obviously feeling awkward.

"Umm, yeah. He just said to have fun and that he'd see us tomorrow."

"Okay, cool." Adam and I then went in to the kitchen and got some coffee, deciding that we may as well start sobering up to meet Daddy - okay, I decided this.

"So, why the sobering so early?" Adam asked me as we sat on the love seat in one of the games rooms.

"My dad doesn't know I drink." I said as I ran my finger along the rim of my coffee cup. "Then again, he doesn't know a lot of things." I muttered.


"I sometimes wear an earphone in church. I love to get covered in mud and dance in the rain. I love to play rugby with the guys occasionally. When I used to tell my dad that I was practising with the school choir after school, I would really go off with my friends and swim naked in the creek."

"Oh, you rebellious sinner. And to think I took you for a daddy's girl."

"Well, that's because that's how I act around him. After my mum died, he became quite... fragile. I didn't want to make his life any harder so I just sort of... put on an act for him."


"Weird? Stupid? Cruel? Dishonest? Take your pick."

"... So kind and selfless."

"Well, gee, thanks." I muttered as my cheeks started to heat up. I felt tired and leant my head on Adam's shoulder. As my eye lids became heavy, Adam pulled me on to his lap and started to rock me gently. I fell asleep in his arms. His warm, strong, protective arms. I snuggled deeper in to his chest as he carried me up the stairs.

I woke up to find myself in bed at Rose's second house. I looked around and saw Adam in the bed across the room. I heard that he was snoring lazily. I got up and quickly showered before going in to Rose's room and pulling out her hair dryer. I then dried my hair, making Adam wake up and groan.

"What time is it?"

I rolled my eyes and said "Waking up time."



"Ooh, I like a woman who knows what she wants."

"Yes, you to get up."

"Aye aye, Captain." He climbed out of bed to reveal a pair of pink boxers. I snickered. "Yes? Would you like to share what you find so amusing with the rest of the class?" Adam asked as he moved closer to me and rested his chin on my shoulder, his warm breath tickling my ear.

"Ooft! I just think pink is so sexy on guys." I said, grinning as I winked at him playfully.

"And I think blue is great on girls."

"Huh? I'm not wearing bl..." Then, I realized that I had put on my blue underwear set. I went up to him and slapped his arm before saying "Put some clothes on!"

"Hey, your bra strap was showing, that's all. I promise." He said as he pulled on his jeans.

I just dismissed the past few minutes and said "You want to go out to breakfast in a bit?" He nodded.

Dear God, why did you do this to me?!Where stories live. Discover now