Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

As the sun shone down in the sky, I set my blanket up at the bank of the water. I pulled my shoes and socks off, chucked them aside and sat down on the blanket. My feet dangled in to the water, going up to the middle of my calf. I giggled at the cold water tickling my legs, and started to read. Laying on my back with my book as a shade from the bright sun, I eventually fell asleep.

I was woken up by a the sound of branches breaking. Instantly, I sat up and looked around. There was nothing. Resting back on my elbows, I sighed, annoyed that I'd been awoken. I started to nod off in that position, but was soon disturbed.

"Boo!" someone screamed from behind me, putting their hands on my shoulders.

This scared me to death. I jumped forward from shock and landed face first in the water, feeling a sharp pain in my cheek and chest. Damn the person who put stones at the bottom of this stream - big, sharp ones at that.

"Owww!" I moaned as I pushed myself up and heard splashing. A gorgeous guy stood before me in the water when I was standing. His reflection showed that he was tall, with straight brown hair, a strong build, and chocolate brown eyes.

He smiled at me apologetically and said "Sorry, love." I nodded my head and put a hand to my stomach. It really hurt. A wince and hiss fell from my mouth as I held it.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"Yes. Thank you." I replied, turning around and seeing him in the flesh.

He was gorgeous. I then heard him gasp and mutter 'shit' under his breath.

"Language." I muttered.

"Yeah, sorry." I walked over to the edge of the water and climbed up the bank. It sucked that it was tall, the water was currently up to my waist, and I was short. I sat on the blanket and lay back, wincing as I moved too quickly. He came and sat down next to me. "I think you should go inside and get cleaned up."

"I'm sorry, who are you?" I asked sweetly.


I gave him a distasteful look as I said "Not ringing any bells."

"I'm now working for your dad, Amanda."


"Now you know who I am, will you take my advice and go and clean up?" Adam gave me a serious look, concern clear on his face.

"No. I'm okay, I'll dry off in the sun." I muttered, my eyes feeling heavy.

"I mean, you're bleeding."

"Mhmm." I replied, starting to drift off.

"Amanda? Amanda, are you okay?" Adam was saying. To me, it was all just a buzzing sound in the back of my head. Soon, I was out of it.

"Amanda? Angel?" I heard my father saying. "Amanda, are you with us?" My eyelids fluttered, and I opened my eyes to see my father and Adam in my room, both standing around me.

"Peekaboo." I muttered before trying to sit up. My stomach hurt.

"Lay down, Angel." My father told me.

I obliged before asking "Wh... what happened?"

"Well, you fell in to the stream and on some rocks. Then you passed out, and Adam carried you here."

"Oh." I sat and thought it through... it didn't sound like something I would do. "How did I fall in?"

"Yeah, that's kinda' my fault." Adam said, looking down at his hands uncomfortably.

Dear God, why did you do this to me?!Where stories live. Discover now