Chapter 4

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Previously on Chapter 3

Eve have an angry expression on her face. Will stares at me with a worried expression. While Mike looks a bit confused. I gulp nervously, he's about to find out that I lied to him. He's going to know that I'm a weak girl, who can't stand up for myself. Why can't I be as strong as I was before? Why am I being so weak?

-It Just Got Worse-


Angela laughs as she leads me to the center of the rink. She and the other kids starts circling around me. I just look around, not really sure what to do. I just know that this isn't going to end well.

They start yelling out names and insults towards me. I stay silent, breathing heavily. Fight them back... a voice said in my head. I shake my head and cover my ears, trying to block out the voice.

The crowd part ways and a boy walks towards me. "Wipe out!" Someone said. He sprays the content of the cup he's holding. It splatters all over me and I trip, landing on the ground. Everyone bursts out into laughter. I look down at the clothes I'm wearing. It's now strained in chocolate, from the milkshake.

I turn my head and notices Mike trying to come to me. I shake my head and stand up. I glide away from the rink and hide in the storage room. I take a seat and burst into tears, as I start to cry.

The door opens. I look up to see Eve. She stares at me with a worried gaze. She walks towards me and gently wraps her arms around me. I let out a sob as I lean into her embrace, letting her hug me.

I pull away from her and walk towards the window. I stare outside and notice Angela with her friends. All of them are laughing as they check the record. I can feel anger growing within me. I shut my eyes tightly, not wanting to give in. If I give in... I would start to attack them.

I hear the door open and notice Eve walking out. I instantly follows her because I can feel her anger. "Angela!" She yelled out. Angela turns to look at us and laughs.

"You ruined her day!" Eve said. "Oh no... you mean embarrassed her in front of her boyfriend?" She said, with a mocking smile on her face. "I want you to say sorry to her, and I want you to tell her boyfriend that it was just a joke, and that you both are really good friends" she said. Angela let out a laugh at what she said.

"Or what? You're gonna hurt us with your mean stare? Sorry you can't run to your teacher today. You just have to cry to your daddy... oh wait, you can't do that either" She said. She starts laughing again. Her friends starts laughing along. She turns around and the others just follows her.

Eve looks angrier now. She grabs one of the boy's roller shoes. She storms towards Angela, holding it tightly in her hand.

"Angela!!" She yelled out. Angela stops walking and turns to look at her. She lift her hand and swings the shoe at her face. She falls down with a scream. I walk towards them and stare at Angela. I notice the others stares at us.

"What are you all staring at, huh!! Don't act like you didn't bully me a while ago?" I yelled, my body is shaking from the anger. I turn to look at Angela, who's still sitting on the ground. She's crying as blood flows down from her wound.

"And you... Angela. Sorry... looks like you're not the prettiest anymore. Oh wait, you never was. You're just a stupid plastic bitch!" I said. I walk towards her and grabs her by the neck. I pull her up, until her feet are dangling below her.

"I've been trying so hard to control my anger. But you're really pushing my limit..." I growled. I hold her neck, until she let out a choke voice. I stare at her in the eyes. I can feel my eyes slowly changing color.

"You ruined my day, Angela

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"You ruined my day, Angela... and now, I'm going to make you pay" I spat. I lift my other hand, forming it into a fist. I was about to land the strongest punch at Angela.

"Y/N, stop!" I hear Mike's voice. I snap out of it and lower Angela. She instantly falls on her butt, staring at me wide-eyed. I can see her trembling with fear.

I look around the place as my eyes slowly turns back to normal. They each have the same reaction as me. I turn to look at Angela as she backs away from me. Her friends also stares at me with fear. I let out a soft sigh and lower my head.


The cops came here. I just sit by the table, next to Eve. She have my hand in hers. We're both trying to calm each other down after what happened a while ago. Her for hurting Angela. Me... for almost losing myself to the monster side of me.

I glance around, everyone flinched as soon as my gaze lands on them. I bit my lips as I look down. I can't believe... I've been trying so hard to fit in. But because of the monster inside of me starts coming back. Now everyone stares at me with nothing but fear.

I turn my head and make eye-contact with Mike. He just stays silent as he stares at me. I can see and feel the fear reflecting in his eyes. I can feel a sharp pain in my heart. Just like everyone else... Mike is scared of me.

I can feel tears slowly gathering in my eyes. I try my best not to cry here. I don't want them to see me in a weak state. Eve gently wraps her arm around me. I just lean my head on her shoulder, burying my face in the crook of her neck.

All I want for today is to spend some quality time with my boyfriend. But because of Angela, it's all ruined. Why did she have to keep on bothering me? What did I ever do??

Most important of all, I still can't believe it's starting to resurface again. I thought that I was finally free. I thought that I can finally live my life like a normal human girl. But I guess... that's never the case. Now I know that no matter how hard I tried, I will never be able to change the fact that I'm a monster.

*to be continued*

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