Chapter 3

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Previously on Chapter 2

In the end, Angela got sent to the detention room. I can feel her eyes glaring at me as she walks past me. I just keep my head down. I'm not going to give in. I don't want to let it win. I'll try my best to control it. I don't wanna cause trouble for Eve and the Byers.

-Mike's Visit-


Jonathan, Argyle, Will, Eve and I are currently at the airport. Mike will be arriving today. I keep tapping my toe excitedly, waiting for him to arrive. The plane should be landing soon.

"Someone's excited..." Eve said. I turn to look at her and giggles softly. "Of course... I'm finally seeing him again after a while. Are you excited to see your best friend again, Will?" I said, turning to look at Will. He grins and nods his head.

The people starts coming out from the arrival door. I strain my neck to try and spot my boyfriend. A grin makes its way to my face when I finally see him. I let out a happy laugh as I stand up.

"Mike!" I said, waving my hand. He notices me and wave back. I quickly runs towards him and cups his cheeks, pulling him in for a quick kiss. Then I just hug him tightly after that.

"Careful! Careful! Careful! You're squishing... you're squishing your present!" He said. I pull away from him after that. He hands me a flower. I smile softly at his sweet gesture.

"I uhh, I handpicked those for you in Hawkins. I know you like f/c... but I realize it's too much f/c. So I try to pick out another color" he said. He starts to ramble. I let out a chuckle and pinch his nose.

"I love them, Mike... it's perfect. Thank you..." I said, smiling softly at him. I take a step back so he can have a reunion with Will. He smiles at him. "Hey, how're you doing?" He said. They go in for a hug, but I notice them acting a bit awkward. I just stay quiet, not wanting to make things more awkward for the two of them.

Mike greets Jonathan too. "Hey..." he said. I notice Argyle eyeing his shirt. "That's an ultra rare shirt, man. Ocean Pacific?" Argyle said. Mike stares at him with a confused face.

"This is my friend Argyle" Jonathan said. Mike offer his hand for a shake. Argyle just walks up to Mike and hugs him. Wait no... he's checking his shirt tag.

"Wait no... it's a shitty knock off. Don't worry, man. I'll get you a good item here. I heard a lot about your sister" he said. Mike just shuffle in his feet, looking uncomfortable. They look so awkward. Mike turns to look at me. I just shrugs my shoulder with a small smile on my face.

"Well, okay. Should we go?" Jonathan said, trying to ease the tense. "Yeah, this is kinda awkward, man" Argyle said. Mike quickly agrees, he wraps an arm around my shoulder. I smile softly as we make our way out of the airport.

"I have a whole day planned. First, we're going to have burrito" I said. He let out a chuckle at what I said. "Burrito for breakfast?" He said. I grin and nod my head. I start to go on with the plan I have for today and the rest of the time he's going to be here.

"Wait... you went to skate?" He said. I grin and nod my head. "Yeah, I went with my friends all the time" I said. "Friends? What friends?" Will said. I quickly hit him with the bouquet of flowers I have in hand.

"Angela and the others..." I said. He gives me a look of disbelief. I just give him a look to not say a thing. I look away from him and focus on Mike. He smiles at me and places a kiss on the side of my head.


Argyle drop us by the roller skating area. We get out of his pizza truck and make our way inside. I guide Mike to the place where we can rent the shoes. But Mike didn't have a pair of socks, so he went to over to the counter to get himself a pair.

"Why did you lie to him?" Will asked. I turn to look at him. "I don't know what you're talking about..." I said. He let out a sigh at what I said. "Y/N... he needs to know the truth. You can't keep him in the dark forever" he said. I open my mouth to say something, but Mike have return placing himself in between the two of us. I give Will a look to get him to shut up. He let out a sigh and looks away from me.

After Mike put on the shoes. We make our way to the rink. He gently holds my hand as we skate around the area. I let out a giggle when Mike slips a little. He turns to look at me and laughs as well.

A While Later

Mike is drinking my milkshake, after I argue that my milkshake is better than his. "Mmhmm.. Mmhmm. Yep, mine is better" he said. "No it's not!" I said, as I try to argue that mine is better.

"Milkshake? Yum!" Someone said. I turn my head to the sound and freezes in my spot. Angela skates over to me. She places her hand on the table as she stare at me.

"Well, oh well... you've been hiding this handsome thing" she said. I can feel my blood starting to boil. I clench my hands under the table as I try my best to control my breathing. I can't lose control now.

Come on, kid. Make her pay... the voice said. I shut my eyes tightly, trying to block out the sound. I open my eyes and force a smile at Angela. I turn to look at Mike, who glances at me.

"Um... Angela. This is my boyfriend, Mike" I said. She smiles and offers her hand to him. "Angela... pleasure" she said. Mike quickly shakes her hand. "I heard a lot about you. Really cool to finally meet Y/N's friends" he said. I glance at Angela to see her staring at him in surprise. She turns to look at me and smiles mischievously.

"Friends? Yeah... super cool. Well, friend.. why don't we skate together and have some fun?" She said. "I... uhh.. no thanks. I'm a little tired" I said. She just let out a laugh. She quickly grabs my hand despite my protest. I turn to look at Will, Eve and Mike. They each stare at me with different reactions.

Eve have an angry expression on her face. Will stares at me with a worried expression. While Mike looks a bit confused. I gulp nervously, he's about to find out that I lied to him. He's going to know that I'm a weak girl, who can't stand up for myself. Why can't I be as strong as I was before? Why am I being so weak?

*to be continued*

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