Chapter 11

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Previously on Chapter 10

Mike walks over to me and pulls me into another hug. I place my chin on his shoulder as I wrap my arms around his torso. I close my eyes, trying to savor the feelings of his warmth. I really miss him. I'm so happy that he's here with me, because that lets me know that I'm safe now... the bad people can't get me again.

-We Need A Plan-


We're inside the van. Mike is sitting next to me, as he helps me clean the dried blood on my skin. I just stay silent as I let him clean me. I still feel drained after using so much energy.

Mike wraps his arm around me, pulling me closer to his side. I lean my head on his shoulder as he caress my head softly. I close my eyes allowing myself to be at ease after going through a tough time.

We try to book for the next flight. But the only one available is tomorrow's. We don't have that much time. From the vision Eve and I had. Max's life is in grave danger. We have to return to Hawkins as soon as possible. If we wait for tomorrow, there's a high chance that we might've been too late.

But much to our dismay, there are no flight tickets available. We have no choice but to wait for the next day. Eleven said she need to buy something, so I go with her inside the market.

I notice El getting silent. I turn my head to look at her, noticing she's staring at something. I walk up to her and tap her shoulder, making her turn to look at me.

"Is there something wrong?" I said, staring at her with a concern gaze. She gesture towards where she previously stares. I turn my head and notice what she's staring.

"We can help Max... through the void" she said. My eyes widened in realization. I turn to look at her and grin. "You're right! We can! Come on... let's go and tell the others!" I said. I grab her hand and pulls her out of the market.

The others turns to look at us with confused faces. They're probably confuse as to why we left the market with empty hands. I just grin at them and nudge Eleven. She nods her head and turn to the others. She starts telling them about the plan. They agree that it's the best bet we have right now.

"So... we just need to make a sensory deprivation tank" I said. Mike nods her head and turn to the others. "Anyone have any idea how we can get our hands on the stuff we need?" He asked. Argyle lift a finger. He seem to have an idea where we can make the sensory deprivation tank we need.


Argyle ended up taking us to the pizza place he's working at. He and Jonathan manage to convince the man working behind the counter. Of course, by offering him a weed. I just shake my head as they closed the door, turning the sign from open to close.

I take a seat on the chair, with Mike sitting across from me. He starts working on taping a pair of sunglasses that will block my sight. I just stay silent as I stare at my hand.

"Hey..." he said, breaking the silence. I turn my head to look at him. He places the sunglasses aside and reach over to hold my hands. He seem to notice my hands shaking slightly as he stares at me worriedly.

"Are you feeling okay, Y/N?" He asked, caressing the back of my hands with his hands softly. I just smile weakly at him and nod my head. He shakes his head, staring at me with an unconvinced look.

"Don't lie to me, Y/N..." he said. I let out a sigh and look down at our hands. "I'm scared. What if I'm not strong enough to do this? What if... what if I ended up turning into a monster again? What if I ended up hurting people? What if-" I said.

"Y/N stop!" Mike said, cutting me off. I flinched at the tone he made. I turn my head to look at him with my eyes wide. I didn't expect him to cut me off. He also sounded a little angry.

"Stop downgrading yourself like that. So what if you're born in the Upside Down. So what if you're part monster. You're you not matter what... you're Y/N. A brave... kind... beautiful girl I've ever known. And nothing... nothing could ever change that" he said. My eyes soften at the words he said.

"Thank you, Mike..." I said. He smiles and nods his head. "It's my job as your boyfriend to support you, to make sure you're okay..." he said. I smile softly at what he said. He smiles back at me. He reaches over and grabs the sunglasses.

"Hopefully this blocks out your peripheral light or anything" he said. He puts it on and grins. "And... it's totally dark. Which means it works. But you know, I just have one more question. Do I look cool?" He asked, tilting his head slightly. I let out a soft giggle at his attempt to make me feel better. I just cover my mouth and rest my chin on the palm of my hand as I stare at him amusingly.

"I feel like I look really cool. Are you giggling?" He said, tilting his head to the sight as if trying to catch the sound of my giggling. But I have stopped as I just smile at him.

"You're giggling because I look awesome. I can't see it but I know you're smiling, because I know I look so good... right?" He said. I shake my head and place my hand on top of his.

"Mike..." I said. He take off the sunglasses and place it to the side. I offer my other hand as he places his on top of mine. "I... missed you..." I said. He smiles and nods his head.

"Yeah... I missed you too. You know... the last few days after I've had been thinking about the last talk we had. You know, before the cops or the world went to shit and everything... I guess, I just. I don't know, I guess... I wanted to say that..." he said. I just stare at him waiting to listen for what he's trying to say. I flinched when something is dropped in between us.

"Serves up, Romeo~" Argyle said. He turns around the counter and kneel down next to Mike. He turns to look at me. "Oh too much flavor isn't going to overpower your battery, can you?" He asked. I just smile, while shaking my head at what he said. I pick up the slice of pizza.

"Dude, there's pineapples" Mike said, showing an obvious disgust. Argyle turns to look at him and shakes his head, while smiling. "Try before you deny~" he said. Mike turns to look at me as I take a bite.

"It's good..." I said, nodding my head. Mike stares at me in disbelief. "It's good? What do you mean it's good??" He said. I nod my head at him. "It's really good..." I said. Mike starts complaining about how wrong it is to put fruits on pizzas. I pick up his slice and try to feed it to him.

"Come on Mike. Just have a bite. Come on, try before you deny~" I said, copying Argyle's words. He keeps letting out protests which makes me laugh. Oh God... how I missed this. I miss Mike so much and I'm so glad that I can see him again.

*to be continued*

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