Chapter 8

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Previously on Chapter 7

He gives the two of us a grim expression. "I'm... I'm sorry, Eleven. Six. This is not how I wanted things to begin. But everything's going to be alright. You're both home now. You're home..." he said. I slowly start to give in to the sleepiness. I close my eyes and slowly drift off to sleep.

-Trapped... Again-


I open my eyes and realize I'm in a room. I move to sit up and feel my head. I feel my tears streaming down my cheeks as I feel my hair is now shortened, just like how it was back then... when I was still in Hawkins lab.

I look around the place, realizing I'm alone. "Eve?" I called out. But she's not here with me. I move my body to stand up and make my way out of the room. It's just like how it was back then. The corridor of Hawkins Lab.

I notice a double door and make my way there. I gently push the door open, to reveal a room. The rainbow room. I can see all the children are here. This doesn't make any sense. Eve killed all of them back then.

"Well well... someone's off with a sleepy start..." a voice said. I turn my head to see a guy. I gulp and turn around. I run out of the room, only to burst inside the same room.

I start to breathe heavily. No matter how many times I tried to run away, I ended up being in this room. I look around the place as I start to panic. What the hell is going on??

I fall on my knees and covers my ears. I let out a scream. "This can't be real! Make it stop!!!" I yelled out, tears streaming down my cheeks as the air starts to get heavier around me which makes it harder for me to breathe. Everything eventually turns dark as I lose my consciousness once again.


I take a sharp inhale as I look around. I look around as I struggle to breathe. I have an oxygen mask on my face. Dr. Brenner is standing over me. He places a hand on my head. I turn my head and notice Eve not far from me in a similar situation.

"Shh... shh... it's okay. Just breathe..." he said, in a soothing voice. My breathing eventually evens out. I slowly reaches out and grab an item. I swing it and slams it on his head. I rushes over to Eve and grab her hand, pulling her to stand up from the bed. We quickly make a run for it.

There are guards surrounding us. I look around as I try to run through. Eve falls on her knees as she let out a scream. The guards get send flying away. I let out a breathy gasp.

Dr. Brenner calmly walks towards us. Eve stands up and turns to face him. "Stay away..." she said. He just raise his hand in surrender manner, as he keeps walking towards us. Eve raises her hand with a loud scream, but nothing happened.

"I don't understand..." she said. "You think it'll be that easy?" He said. Eve just stares at her hand and turn to look at me as I stand up. Dr. Brenner stares at the two of us.

"I can help you..." he said, offering his hand to us. I turn to look at Eve, as she do the same. "Papa..." she said. She gently takes her hand. I do the same. We've got no choice but to go along with this experiment. I want to gain my power back, if that's what it takes to keep the people I care for safe. We turn around and make our way back further inside the base.

Dr. Brenner leads us to a bedroom. Everything is in one color. I walk towards one of the bed and take a seat. I pull my knees closer to my chest. I let out a sigh as I lean my back against. I stare at the ceiling.

"I've tried so hard to get out of this situation. Now we are trapped again..." I said. Eve stands up from her bed and take a seat next to me. She places her hand on my arm. I turn to look at.

"We don't have a choice, Y/N. We have to do this... you want to save everyone back at Hawkins, right?" She said. I just nods my head at what she said. She gives me a smile and gently pulls me closer. I just lean my body against hers. I bury my face into the crook of his neck.


Days have passed and they perform the experiment on us again and again. Each time with different type of scenario. After the second tryout, I realize that it's not just a random scenario. It's our memories. These scenario happened when we were little. It was long before I manage to escape the lab.


I'm currently in another simulation. I'm inside a small room. I remember this scenario as the time where they're trying to get me to control one of my elemental power.

I take a deep breath. I focus on the can in front of me. I will it to burst into flames. After a while, I manage to make it burn. But the flame starts to spread across the room.

I let out a scream when extinguisher is launched into the room. I fall on my hands and knees as I cover myself. "Stop!!!!" I screamed. I can hear my voice cracking as it turns deeper.

I stands up and walks towards the glass separating me from the observers. I slam my hand on the glass. I can see my hand have transformed into a claw. I let out a gasp of shock as I back away. There's a small reflective surface. I turn to face it and gasp in shock.

Half of my face have turned into a demogorgon's head. My arms have both turned into demogorgon as well. I don't remember this part of the scenario. I thought that I've figured out what I was after the things I went through with Mike. But turns out, all these time... I've knew all along.

I've always knew that I'm a monster. But my mind was too scared to see the truth. That's why I've always refuse to remember this part form my memories. I shake my head. I place my claw hands on my head and let out a horrified scream, which makes the mirror cracks at my high pitched voice.

End of Simulation

I gasp awake, laying on top of a bed. Eve is standing next to me, her hand on my head. "Shh... shh. It's okay. You're okay..." she said. I lift my hand shakily and my eyes widened in horror, noticing that they have turned into claws. I turn to look at Eleven with tears in my eyes. "E-Eve...

I'm a monster...

*to be continued*

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