Chapter 6

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Previously on Chapter 5

I choke a sob as I fall on the ground, bursting into tears. Why? Why is this always happened? Why do I have to be born into this world like this?? I hate my life...

-Taken Away-


I hear a knock on the door. I just stayed silent as I keep on crying. "Y/N... it's me. I'm coming in, okay?" I hear Eve voice. I just stays silent, as she opens the door. I stare at her with tears in my eyes. Her eyes soften as she make her way over to me.

She sits down next to me and gently wraps her arms around me. I lean my body against hers as I cry into her shoulder. She gently place her hand on my head, caressing my hair softly.

I hear a knock from the front door. I can also hear a muffled voice. I pull away from Eve and turn to her. She looks back at me. From her eyes, I can tell that she's just as confused as I am.

"Shall we go and see who that is?" She asked. I just nod my head in agreement. She stands up and offers her hand. I place my hand on top of hers, letting her pull me up to my feet. We slowly make our way out of my room.

"Hey, are you Jane and Y/N?" One of them said. One look at them, I quickly realize they're cops. They are probably here because of what we did to Angela the other day.

We just nod our heads at what he said. Jonathan turn to look at us with a worried expression. "You both will be coming with us" the other said. They walk towards us and cuffs our hands. Jonathan is trying to talk to them into not taking us with them. But no matter what he said, these cops just ignores him.

They take us to their car. I just take a seat. "Y/N! Y/N... listen to me!" I hear someone said. I turn my head to see Mike, he's knocking on the window. I just silently stare at him.

"Just hang in there, okay? Just stay calm... don't be scared. I'll find a way to fix this, okay? I promise. I'll fix this!" He said. I just stare at him, without saying anything. The car eventually speeds us, leaving Mike behind. I let out a sigh and lean my head. Eve scoots closer to me. I just lean my head on his shoulder.


They're taking pictures of us. They have given us the clothes for prisoners, and take us to the room that we will be staying. We enter the room and they close it behind us.

I turn to look at Eve. She just gives me a small smile, as if trying to assure me that everything will be alright. I just give her a weak smile and make my way to the bed. I take a seat and lean my head against the cold wall.

'Mike...' I thought to myself. A tear escape my eyes at the thought of the boy I love. The same boy who stare at me with nothing but fear. The look in his eyes when he watched me about to hurt Angela is painful.

I just close my eyes as I hug myself, trying to stop myself from crying. I feel a pair of arms wrapping around me. I just lean closer, already knowing who it is.

"Just let it out, Y/N..." she said. I choke out a sob as I bury my face in the crook of her neck as I cry softly. She gently runs her hand through my hair, caressing my head softly. She just stays silent as she waits for me to calm down.

"Looks like we'll be going to prison, huh?" I said. She nods her head at what I said. She places her hands on my shoulders. "But everything will be alright. I'm sure Mike and the others will try their best to get us out" she said. I just smile weakly at why she said. Will Mike actually try to? Even though he's scared of me?

"We should try to get some sleep, hm?" She said. I just nod my head in agreement. She gently help me lay down. She pulls the thin blanket up to my chin. She gently caress my hair.

"Sleep well... everything will be alright" she said. I just nod my head and close my eyes. I let myself slowly drift off to sleep, without saying anything.

The Next Day

They'll be taking us to the prison we'll be spending our sentence at. They take us inside a van, placing us on the room on the back. I turn my head slightly as I hear a scream.

Through the small holes through it. I can see Mike chasing. I just stare in silence as he slowly stops. I look away from him, staring down at my feet. Eve gently places her hand on my shoulder. I turn to her and smiles softly. I lean back, staying silent.

Suddenly, I hear a swerving sound. I just furrow my eyebrow in confusion. I turn my head to look where the driver is. I can see a car moving past the van. The van eventually comes to a stop. I can see a familiar face coming towards the driver, showing a badge. I turn to look at Eve in panic.

The cop walks towards the door. "As soon as he open the door... you run. Don't worry about me and just run, understand?" I said, without looking at her. The door moves open. I lift my hand and slams it open using my strength.

"Run, Eve! Run!!" I yelled. But before she manage to get far, they caught her. They manage to catch me as well. I struggle to break free of their grip, but they're a lot stronger than me. No matter how hard I tried to brush their grip off, I can't.

Another car stops not far from us. I just stare at the person who slowly steps out of the car. "Hello, kids" he said. I just stare at him in disbelief. "Dr. Owens" I said, in a hush voice. He just smiles at the two of us.

I turn to look at Eve, she stares back at me with an unreadable expression. If Dr. Owen is here. I think I know where this is going... and I don't like it one bit. I have to find a way to get Eve and I out of this. I DON'T wanna go through that horrid thing again.

*to be continued*

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