Chapter 10

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Previously on Chapter 9

Now that I've finally gained mine back. We can finally return to Hawkins and save our friends. We will save them. I won't let anything bad happens to them. Let's just hope that we can make it there in time.



I turn to look at Dr. Brenner. "Now that both Eve and I have gained our powers back. We can head to Hawkins and save our friends" I said. Eve nods her head in agreement. I can see something flashing in Dr. Brenner's eyes. It's a look of disapproval. I just stare at him with a furrowed eyebrows.

"You are not ready. Neither of you are" he said. I just stare at him in anger. "You said that if we manage to gain our powers back... we'd go straight to Hawkins! You and Dr. Owens were the ones who told the two of us that Hawkins is in danger! We don't have time to waste!" I said, glaring at him.

"But if you go now... you will end up killing yourself" he said. I clenched my hands into tight fists at what he said. "I've been following everything you've said. What you instructed me to do... I do it. But when it's time for you to fulfill your promise, you lied!" I said, growling in anger.

"I'm only doing this for your own good, Y/N!" He said, trying to argue with me. "For my own good?" I said, scoffing at what he's aid. I shake my head and stare at him dead in the eyes.

"No... I think it's for your own selfish gain. We're not your puppets anymore. We are leaving. Whether you like it or not!" I said. Eve nods her head. "Yeah. You can't hold us back... if you try, we will kill you!" She said. We turn around to face the door. I lift my hand, trying to pry it open with Eve helping me.

I feel someone grabs me and injects something to my neck. I grab the syringe and pulls it out of my neck. I turn my head to see it's one of the guards, while Dr. Brenner do the same to Eve. My eyes starts to grow blurry and eventually drops to the ground.


When I wake up, I quickly realize I'm back inside the room. I lift my hand and feels the familiar texture of the collar they used to put on me when I was still a prisoner here. I feel tears building up in my eyes. I sit up and turn my head to see Eve laying on her bed. She's also wearing the collar.

She makes eye-contact with me. I can see her tears starting to fall down her cheeks. I move to stand up and walks over to her. I gently wrap my arms around her. She leans her head against my chest. I place a hand on her head, caressing it softly.

The door suddenly swings open. "Come on... we have to get you both out of here" Dr. Brenner said. I watch as he rushes towards Eve, picking him up.

"W-What's going on?" I asked, as a guard walks up to me, scooping me up in his arms. Dr. Brenner turns to look at me. "They found us... and they're planning to kill you both" he said, while carrying Eve. Eve and I shares a worried gaze. Dr. Brenner and the guard rushes out of the room with us in their arms.

I can hear the sound of gun fire. The guard and Dr. Brenner rushes through the corridor, trying their best to avoid the bullets from the intruders. I just stay silent as they try their best to get us out of this place unharmed.

We finally made it outside. But before we could get any further. The guard that's been carrying me drops on his knees after getting shot in his legs. I roll out of his arms, scraping my arms in the process. But the wound in my arms instantly heals.

I turn my head to see Eve in a similar situation. She turns her head to look at me. She looks just as tired as I am. I try to crawl over to her, holding her hand in mine.

I can hear the sound of helicopter. I turn my head to see it flying closer towards us. There's a figure inside it, pointing a sniper at us. I clench my free hand into a tight fist.

I force myself to stand up and turn to face them. "Leave us alone!!!" I yelled angrily. A wave of energy surge through my body and into the sky. It hits the helicopter, sending it off balance for a few seconds.

I feel a hand slipping in mine. I turn my head to see it's Eve. She have move to stand up. She give my hand a light squeeze as we give each other a curt nod. I turn my head and focus on the helicopter. I outstretch my hand, palm facing forward. I can feel my eyes changing.

Eve and I let out a scream as we slam our hands down, crashing the helicopter onto the ground

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Eve and I let out a scream as we slam our hands down, crashing the helicopter onto the ground. We drop on our knees as the helicopter exploded. I just cover my face to protect it from the debris.

I breathe heavily, trying to catch my breath. After so long not using the powers I have. It's very draining. I close my eyes for a few seconds as I focus on trying to steady my breathing.

I feel a hand on my shoulder. I turn my head to see Mike. "M-Mike..." I said. He nods his head, smiling softly at me. "Yes, Y/N. It's me" he said. I choke out a sob as I wrap my arms around his neck, hugging him tightly.

"Oh Mike, it's you. It's really you! You're really here. I thought I'd never see you again" I said, choking on my words as I start to cry softly. He hugs my waist tightly. I bury my face into the crook of his neck, not wanting to let him go.

"I'm here, Y/N... I'm here... everyone's here..." he said, gesturing around to our surrounding. I turn my head and notices Will. "Will..." I said, smiling at the sight of him. Mike helps me stand up. I quickly rush towards Will, throwing my arms around his neck. He quickly returns my embrace.

"Are you okay?" He asked, after pulling away from me. I smile softly at him and nod my head. "Yeah... I'm okay" I said. I turn to look at Jonathan and give him a soft smile, in which he returns.

Mike walks over to me and pulls me into another hug. I place my chin on his shoulder as I wrap my arms around his torso. I close my eyes, trying to savor the feelings of his warmth. I really miss him. I'm so happy that he's here with me, because that lets me know that I'm safe now... the bad people can't get me again.

*to be continued*

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