Chapter 9

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Previously on Chapter 8

I gasp awake, laying on top of a bed. Eve is standing next to me, her hand on my head. "Shh... shh. It's okay. You're okay..." she said. I lift my hand shakily and my eyes widened in horror, noticing that they have turned into claws. I turn to look at Eleven with tears in my eyes. "E-Eve...

I'm a monster...

-Acceptance Is The Key-


Not long after my hands turns into claws, they turned back to normal. But the sight is enough to leave me shaken up. I feel nothing but absolute terror at the revelation.

I've always knew that I was a monster. But finding that I've always been one, even before meeting Mike and the others like I initially thought... is terrifying. Along with the fact that I can't seem to remember anything from back then. For all I know, I could've already been killing people.

Eve is sitting next to me. She have her hand on my back. I told her to stay away in case I might turn and attack her. But she insisted that she's not scared. She insisted that she wants to be there for me. So I just let her do what she wants, knowing I can't change her mind.

A constant sob leave my lips, as I struggle to stop crying. I've been crying since the second I entered this room, and I haven't been able to stop. So here I am... sitting on the bed, with my back against the wall while hugging my knees close to my chest.

"Y/N... you're not a monster" Eve said, trying to give me comfort. I turn to look at her. "You saw it, didn't you? My hands are literally claws! Just like the claws of the Demogorgon. I'm a monster!" I said. She just shakes her head. She wraps her arms around me. I let out a choked sob as I bury my face into the crook of her neck. She hugs me tightly, gently patting my back to calm me down.

The door to our room moves open. I turn my head to see Dr. Brenner. He makes his way over to us and take a seat near me. I just look away, knowing why he's here. He's probably going to try to persuade me, so I'd continue working with the experiment. But I want nothing to do with it. I'm scared to learn what I've done.

"Y/N..." he said, in a soft voice. I turn my head to look at him, but didn't say anything. He gently place a hand on top of mine. I just stare at him blankly. He gives me a soft smile.

"I know that you're afraid... but you can't gain your power back if you're not willing to accept what you are. Acceptance is the key..." he said. I look down in hesitation. I don't know if I can go through all of that again. It was so terrifying.

But if I don't do this... I'll never gain my power back. Without it, I can't save Hawkins and my friends. I need my power back to protect the people that have taught me how to love.

"What do you think, hm? Will you cooperate again?" Dr. Brenner said. I turn my head to look at him. He have moves to stand up. He offers a hand to me. I stare at his hand for a few seconds. I slowly lift my hand and place it in his. He smiles in satisfaction at the decision I made.

"Papa..." I said, in a soft tone. He nods his head in respond. I slowly stands up. I turn to look at Eve. I grab her hand, wanting her to be near me because she's the only one I could trust right now. She just smiles at me. The three of us walks out of the room and make our way towards the Nina Project again.

One of them injects me with a serum. I wince at the pain and can feel myself starting to get sleepy. They pick me up and gently place me inside the Nina. I stay floating on the surface of the water.

I stare at the monitor as it starts to show me some videos. My eyes eventually starts to close. I let myself drift off to sleep, not being able to fight it anymore.


I open my eyes and realize it's where I left off. I look down at my hands as they have turned into claws. I look up to see my reflection. The horrid sight of my own reflection makes me start to hyperventilating.

I shake my head. 'No... I shouldn't give in. Even if I am a monster on the outside. I have to know who I am on the inside... I'm Y/N... a girl who loves Mike and have the best friends' I thought to myself. I just close my eyes as I take a few deep breaths, trying to calm myself down.

When I open my eyes, I can see my human form staring back at me. She smiles softly at me. "Well done, Y/N... you have succeeded in accepting who you are and now you're ready..." she said.

End of Vision

I gasp awake and starts to breathe harder. I glance around as Eve rushes to my side. "Shhh shhh... it's okay. You're okay, Y/N" she said. I let out a sigh of relief and lay back down. She gently caress my hair.

I stand up and grabs a can from the table. I focus on it, letting it bursts into flames. I turn to look at Dr. Brenner. He nods his head in approval. I just smile softly to myself. I did it... my powers is back. 

I grin happily as I will the fire to die off. I turn to look at Eve. She smiles excitedly at me. "Yayy!!" She yelled out. She runs up to me, throwing her arms around my neck. I stumble backwards a little while letting out a yelp. But I manage to catch myself so I don't fall over.

"You did it, Y/N!!" She said, pulling away slightly and grins at me. I smile happily and nod my head. Eve have manage to gained her power back a while ago.

Now that I've finally gained mine back. We can finally return to Hawkins and save our friends. We will save them. I won't let anything bad happens to them. Let's just hope that we can make it there in time.

*to be continued*

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