Chapter 12

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Previously on Chapter 11

"Come on Mike. Just have a bite. Come on, try before you deny~" I said, copying Argyle's words. He keeps letting out protests which makes me laugh. Oh God... how I missed this. I miss Mike so much and I'm so glad that I can see him again.

-Max's Memories-


We head inside the kitchen. I hold Mike's hand for comfort. It's been a while since we've dealt with this kind of things. To say that I'm nervous would be an understatement. I'm anxious!

I'm worried that I'm not going to be strong enough to save Max. But we have got to try. What's worse than failing... is that we never try anything in the first place.

Mike turns me to face him, with his hands on my shoulders. "Hey... everything will be alright. I'm sure you can get through with it. You're a strong person, Y/N... and El will be there with you. With both of you together... you'll be unstoppable" he said. I give him a soft smile. He wraps his arms around me in a tight hug. I bury my face in the crook of his neck.

"Thank you, Mike... I really needed that" I said. He runs his hand through my hair softly, making me close my eyes. I relax in his arms, while wrapping my arms around his torso tightly.

We pull away from each other. I turn to look at El who's waiting for me. She's also holding a pair of duct taped sunglasses. She smiles when she notice me looking at her.

"Are you ready, sis?" She said. I smile softly and nod my head. Mike gently picks me up by my waist and help me get inside the pizza dough freezer. It have been filled with warm water and lots of salt. I place the sunglasses over my eyes and slowly let my body float in the water. I take a deep breath, relaxing my body as I focus on entering the void.

When I open my eyes, everything is dark for a bit. I turn my head to see El standing next to me. I walk up to her, letting her hold my hand. I give her hand a light squeeze as we start walking further.

I can see Max sitting by a small table. Her body is convulsing. I turn to look at El and give her a curt nod. She do the same. We make our way towards Max and kneels down on either side of her.

"Hang in there, Max... we're coming" El said. Each of us grabs Max's hand. "We'll save you..." I said, softly. I close my eyes and focuses on getting inside Max's mind.

The next time we open our eyes, we're standing by a huge bridge. There's a lot of people skating around in their skateboards.

I notice a young red haired girl. That must be Max when she was little. Which means, everything here is Max's memories. I can hear Mike's voice saying that we should try to look for something that don't belong here.

"I think that one over there..." I said, pointing at something on the bridge. El nods he head, agreeing with me. We turn to the direction to the bridge and make our way there.

The object we saw turned out to be a DJ's mixer. I hold El's hand as we slowly approach it. I lift my hand and place it on one of the adjustment. In an instant, we got pulled in into another place.

This time it looks like the place where the Snow Ball was held. It must have been one of Max's beautiful memories. But everything slowly transform as blood starts appearing out of nowhere.

I hear someone letting out a pained cry. I turn my head, noticing Max being held by the neck by a vein covered man. I clench my hands into tight fists. I lift my hand, pointing my palm at the creature. I make him drop Max and sends him away.

El and I quickly rushes towards Max, who's gasping for air. "Max! Are you okay?" I said, helping her to stand up. She looks shocked at the two of us. "Huh? A-Are y-you real? Did I make you??" She said. She reached out to us and starts pinching our cheeks, as if she's still doubting that we're real.

"Max... we're real" I said, holding one of her hand as El holds the other. "H-How?" She said. El smiles at Max's confusion. "We piggyback on a pizza dough freezer" she said. Max looks even more confused. I let out a giggle at her reaction. I stop my giggle when I hear a light growl.

I turn around as Vecna walks towards us. I step up in front of Max, shielding her body. "Stay behind me, Max..." I said. El steps up to stand next to me. The two of us prepares for a battle.

I notice Vecna turning his attention to me. "Ah... Y/N. We meet, at last..." he said. I furrow my eyebrows in confusion. Why did he act like he knows me?

"Of course I know you... I created your father" he said, as if he's able to read my mind. My eyes widen at what he said. He starts going on about the first time he got sent to the Upside Down. How he create my father, the Mind Flayer.

Vecna smirks as he stares at me with an evil glint in his eyes. "So you see, Y/N... in other words, you're my grandchild. Come, let us rebuilt the new world together" he said, lifting his hand as if he expected me to come towards him to accept his invitation.

"It is what you're meant to do... it is why I made the Mind Flayer created you. You're the bridge between the Upside Down and the real world. By siding with me, you'll change the world to a greatest place..." he said. I just shake my head at what he said.

"No... no way I'm letting you step a foot in the other world! I'm not going to let you destroy human!!" I said. He lowers his hand as he stares at me with an annoyed face.

"Foolish girl. You've become more human than you should be. But, you can't resist the monster inside you any longer" he said. He lift his hand, with his palm facing me. I feel something pulsating in me.

I let out a scream as I drop down on my hands and knees. I clutch my head as I my ears starts ringing painfully. I can hear Max's and El's calling out for me, but their voices sounded muffled.

What's happening to me??

*to be continued*

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