Chapter 13

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Previously on Chapter 12

I let out a scream as I drop down on my hands and knees. I clutch my head as I my ears starts ringing painfully. I can hear Max's and El's calling out for me, but their voices sounded muffled.

What's happening to me??

-I Can Hear Your Voice-

Eleven P.O.V

As soon as Vecna points his hand at Y/N, she falls onto the ground. She starts clutching onto her head as she screams. The way she screams, it sounded so inhuman. I move to stand in front of Max, as I stare at Y/N in shock.

"Y-Y/N?" I said. She eventually stops screaming. Her hands falls to her sides as she keeps kneeling down. She have her head down as she stays there, without moving an inch.

I glance over my shoulder to look at Max. She's right behind me, staring at Y/N with fear in her eyes. This looks just like that time when the monster inside her is fighting for control.

"Y/N... say something!" I said. Y/N slowly lift her head up, as she turns to look at us. Her eyes slowly turning all black, as she stares at us with a malice smirk.

My eyes widened, realizing what's going on with Y/N

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My eyes widened, realizing what's going on with Y/N. The monster side in her have taken over. This is not Y/N anymore. I back away, making sure Max is still standing behind me.

She let out a laugh which sounded pure evil. "Snap out of it, Y/N. You're stronger than this! Don't let it control you!" I said. She just shakes her head as she slowly makes her way towards us.

"Foolish human... do you really think this weak girl stand a chance against me?" She said. Even her voice sounded different. Her voice sounded more... evil.

"Yes! Y/N is stronger than anything. She loves us... her friends! She would never hurt us!" Max said. I watch as Y/N stumbles a little, with a hand on her head. I nod my head. She's still in there. There is still hope for Y/N to gain control.

"Yes, that's it! Come on, Y/N! Fight it!! Don't let that monster take over you! You're stronger than this!!" I said. She let out a shrilling scream. I cover my ears from the sound. I fall on my knees as I clutch my ears painfully.

It feels like my eardrums is going to bursts from how high pitched her voice sounded. She lift her hand, sending me flying towards a wall with her telekinetic power.

She slowly makes her way towards me. She lift her hand, with her palm facing me. I cough out some blood, feeling it drip down the corner of my lips. I stare at Y/N weakly.

I prop myself with my hands, as I move backward. Y/N slowly approach me, taking slow steps as if she's trying to taunt me. I feel tears streaming down both of my cheeks as she keeps approaching me.

"Please. You're my sister, Y/N... we've been through all kinds of things together. We promised to be there for each other. You have to remember!!" I said. Y/N's eyes widened for a brief moment. They turn back to her normal e/c eyes.


Everything feels dark. It feels like I'm sitting in the middle of a dark room, curling up into a ball as I hug myself tightly. I have no idea where I am.

You're my sister, Y/N! You're not a monster!! Fight it!! A voice echoed in my head. I lift my hand as I stare into the darkness, wondering where that voice come from.

"El..." I said, in a soft voice. I try to stand up, but my body feels weak. I'm not strong enough. I failed... I should have known that no matter what happened. I will always be a monster.

Y/N! Don't give up! Y/N... I don't know if you can hear this, but if you can... I want you to know I'm here, okay? I hear Mike's voice. My eyes widened at the sound.

"Mike..." I said, in a soft voice. I look around the place, trying to locate where the sound is coming from.

I love you, Y/N! Do you hear me? I love you... I'm sorry I don't say it more. It's not because I'm so scared of you... I'm not, I... I never felt that way! Never! What I'm scared is if one day you realize you won't need me anymore. And I was afraid that if I said how I felt, it will somehow make that day hurt more... Mike said. His voice cracks a little as he keeps talking. I just choke out a sob as I listen to his voice.

But the truth is, Y/N... I don't know how to live without you. I feel like my life started that day when I finally have the chance to get to know you. The moment where I finally got a chance to see the real you... the real you behind that cold demeanor you've kept up the whole time. I was so happy that I manage to break down your wall and when you're finally willing to open up to me... and I know right then and there, I've love you! He said. I can hear the sincerity in his voice. Tears starts to stream down my cheeks at his words. Mike loves me... he truly loves me!

And I've love you everyday since... I love you in your good days... I love you on your bad days... I love you with your power and I love you without your power. I love you for exactly who you are. You are not a monster, Y/N. You are a hero... you're my hero. I CAN'T lose you. Okay? Do you hear me? I can't lose you! You can fight it, Y/N. You can do anything, okay? I believe that. So please... fight it, Y/N! Fight!! He said. I close my eyes and wipe away the tears from my eyes.

I slowly move to stand up, my whole body is filled with newly found determinations. My eyes snap open as I let out a scream. Beams of energy burst through my body.

I fall on my knees and slowly move my body up. I slowly open my eyes and realize I've gained control over my real body once again. I turn my head and notice El laying across from me. She looks injured badly.

"I'm sorry, El..." I said. She just gives me a soft smile at what I said. "I knew you could do it..." she said. I smile softly at her and slowly turn around, facing Vecna. He stares at me with anger and hatred in his eyes. I clench my hands into tight fists. No more... I will never let anything control me anymore.

*to be continued*

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