Chapter 7

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Previously on Chapter 6

I turn to look at Eve, she stares back at me with an unreadable expression. If Dr. Owen is here. I think I know where this is going... and I don't like it one bit. I have to find a way to get Eve and I out of this. I DON'T wanna go through that horrid thing again.

-The Nina Project-


Dr. Owen took us to a small cafe. He said he needs to talk to us about something really important. I just sit down next to Eve, with Dr. Owen sitting across from us.

He starts talking about Hawkins is in a great danger, and the only one who can save it is the two of us. I give Eve a side glance as she do the same. I let out a sigh and turn to look at Dr. Owen.

"But neither of us have our power. The only thing I possess right now are the dark ones. If I use it too much, who knows what that'll do. What if I turn into a monster?" I said. Dr. Owen turns his head to look at me and nods his head.

"You're right about that one, kid. But there's no one else that'll stand a chance against this evil being. The two of you are our only hope at saving Hawkins..." he said, trying his best to negotiate with us. I stay silent, thinking about Hawkins. It's the place where I found myself some friends. The friends who's always ready to comfort me.

Mike, Will, Jonathan and Mrs. Byers are all here. But there's still Lucas, Dustin, Max, Steve and the Wheelers who's been nothing but kind towards me. Can I really just stand by and do nothing, while I know something is threatening them?

"There's a way to gain your true power back, and we can help you both make it stronger" Dr. Owen after a few moment of silence. I turn to look at Eve. She just nods her head at me. I take a deep breath and turn to Dr. Owen. I give him a nod. He smiles happily at our decision.


He takes us on a long car ride. The whole time I just stayed silent, staring out into the distance of what looks like a deserted place. Dr. Owen told us it's a secret facility, which meant it's going to be hard to spot... unless you know the exact location.

The car soon comes to a stop. I turn my head to look at Dr. Owen. He turns to look at Eve who's sitting next to him on the passenger seat, before turning to look at me. He smiles softly at the two of us.

"We're here..." he said. Eve and I turn to look at each other. We just silently step out of the car. Dr. Owen starts walking towards a door. I just stare at the door with a straight face. Although, a single door like that is hard to spot. But once people notices it, it's going to be pretty obvious what's beyond that door.

Dr. Owen unlocks the door and steps aside to let the two of us walks in first. Eve loops her arm around me. I can feel her slightly tense. It's clear that she's scared and nervous about this.

She spent her time at the lab longer than I am... so it makes sense that she went through a lot of hardship compare to me. I place my hand on top of hers and pat it gently. She turns to look at me. I give her a reassuring smile as if to let her know that I will be there in case things went south.

I can feel everyone's eyes as we make our way deeper through the hallway. I take a quick glance around to see some of them are wearing military outfit. While the rest are wearing lab coats. This is just like back then. I can't believe... I fought through so much to be able to free myself from them. But look at me now... I'm walking through it willingly.

There's a large tank in the center of the room we're in. I stare at it in confusion. "What is it?" Eve asked. I turn to look at Dr. Owen, waiting for him to answer her question. He open his mouth to answer. But a voice cuts him off.

"If we told you... it would ruin the surprise..." the voice said. I froze in fear as soon as the voice reach my ear. I can already tell who it is from the familiar sound of his voice.

"Hello, Eleven... Six..." he said. I breathe heavily as I back away a little as he walks closer to us. "I know. You're both frightened of me. Perhaps in our times apart, you may have even grown to hate me. But all I've ever wanted to do... is to help you" he said as he continue to make his way down the stairs.

"And right now. I think you both very much need my help. You gift have been stolen and I believe I know why... and I believe I know how to get them back" he said. I clench my hands into tight fists.

"Help us? No... you only care about your own selfish gain. Why didn't you tell us he was involved. I would have said no!" I said, turning to look at Dr. Owen. I stare at him with a look of betrayal. He just give me an apologetic smile.

"Which is exactly why I couldn't tell you, Y/N..." he said. I just glare angrily at him and turn to look at Dr. Brenner. "Let us work together again. You both and I. Daughters... and Papa..." he said. I close my eyes as all the bad memories starts coming back. I turn to look at Eve, who seem to have the same reaction as me. I can see tears in her eyes.

I turn to look at Dr. Brenner who stares at the two of us expectantly. I quickly lift my feet and kick him in his stomach, sending him stumbling backward with a groan of pain. I quickly grab Eve's hand and starts running towards the entrance.

But before we could get any further, guards blocks our way. "Why don't you go back inside? Play nice for the doctor, hmm?" He said. I can feel something twitching in me.

"No... let us through, or I'll kill you..." I said, staring at him as my eyes starts to turn dark.

He backs away a little as he stares at me in fear

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He backs away a little as he stares at me in fear. But before I can do anything, I feel something sharp is pierced through the skin of my neck. My vision start to grow blurry. I fall on the ground as Dr. Brenner cradles Eleven as he turns to look at me.

He gives the two of us a grim expression. "I'm... I'm sorry, Eleven. Six. This is not how I wanted things to begin. But everything's going to be alright. You're both home now. You're home..." he said. I slowly start to give in to the sleepiness. I close my eyes and slowly drift off to sleep.

*to be continued*

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