Chapter 11: Breaking Up Is Hard To Do

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Gwen Stacy finally emerged from the shower the next morning, her mind far away as she slipped on her Spider-Woman costume and put her regular clothes overtop of it. As she finally emerged from her apartment, the sun caught her in the face and she blinked in surprise, before she took a deep breath and forced herself to walk to Empire State University. She did not meet Julia as she headed for the Drama building, much to her relief, but almost bumped into Kitty Pryde, stumbling through her as Kitty used her mutant phasing powers to prevent a collision.

"Hey Gwen," Kitty greeted her with a smile. "We missed you at the library yesterday…"

"Oh no," Gwen sighed in frustration, shaking her head in apology. "I'm so sorry...I've just been swamped with schoolwork and rehearsals-"

"Hey, it's no big deal," Kitty grinned. "I can just lend you my notes, if you like."

"Yeah, that'd be great," Gwen nodded as they entered the classroom. "I really appreciate-"

"Long time no see, Stacy," Gwen and Kitty heard an all-too-familiar voice ring out. "Have you been avoiding me, or something? And here I thought we were friends…"

Kitty could only wince as she saw Gwen's face turn red.



Felicia Hardy only grinned mockingly as she approached, her loyal sycophant Sally Avril only a step behind her. She giggled as Gwen began taking several deep breaths and closed her eyes, clenching and unclenching her fists.

"Uh…Gwen?" Kitty began hesitantly.

Gwen didn't seem to hear her.

"Cat got your tongue, Stacy?" Felicia smirked, as Sally began to laugh.

Gwen's eyes finally snapped open, becoming cold as ice as they stared daggers at Felicia and Sally. Her fists were tightly bunched, the knuckles on her hands becoming white with the strain, as Kitty stepped back involuntarily.

"There are a lot of things I could say or do, Felicia, but I won't. You know why?" the blonde-headed young woman demanded.

"Try me," Felicia grinned back at her, not giving an inch.

"Because I don't need to," Gwen said, her voice turning cold and soft. "After all, I'm not the one who has to live with the knowledge that I slept with the entire starting lineups of the Midtown High baseball, football and basketball teams, or that my one steady boyfriend turned out to be a jealous psychopath, or that my mother floozed her way to the top at Hammer Industries. Who's your daddy, Felicia? Ever wonder how much you and Justine Hammer look alike?"

Felicia turned white, as Sally's and Kitty's jaws dropped.

"Oh, and what about Brigid O'Reilly? Whatever happened to her, anyway?" Gwen continued, her eyes narrowing.

"You stupid bi-" Felicia caught herself. "This isn't over," she finally hissed, before turning with Sally as their professor came in.

"Are you okay, Gwen?" Kitty asked her friend as they left after the class was complete. "I mean, wasn't that pretty harsh, even for Felicia?"

"It's all true," Gwen muttered.

"Even if it is, that's still no reason to sink to her level," Kitty rebuked her.

"She's been pulling that kind of crap for years, all the way back to when we went to Midtown High together," Gwen replied. "Felicia put Marie-Ange Colbert through hell. I just wish I'd…I should have done something to…"

"Stop her? Stand up for Marie-Ange?" Kitty prompted, as Gwen nodded.

"You feel guilty, don't you?" Kitty suddenly said, as Gwen froze.

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