Chapter 63: Family Matters

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"So how long has your family been doing these reunions?" Gwen Stacy asked her boyfriend Randy Robertson as they walked down the street.

"Probably at least three generations, or so my Dad says," Randy replied as they turned the corner and approached the community centre. "Mom really had to pull to get them to hold the reunion in New York this year. She loves these get-togethers, but she's sick of always having to travel."

"And you guys have the whole community centre booked?" Gwen asked in surprise.

"And the outdoor terrace," Randy grinned. "There're actually a lot of us out there-we're probably going to have about 200 people showing up."

"That many?" Gwen asked in amazement.

"Well, some of us also bring friends of the family, whoever we're dating, or what have you," Randy explained. "I actually met Reginald Vel Johnson at the last gathering we had in New York a few years ago. He's friends with one of my aunts."

"…Wow," Gwen said in surprise as they opened the door to the community centre.

It didn't take the couple long to be greeted by several of Randy's relatives, including his parents Isaiah and Louise Robertson, who were serving as greeters.

"Oh, sweetie, I'm so glad to see you!" Louise hugged her son tightly as he greeted her. "Did you have any trouble getting here?"

"No, traffic was pretty light," Randy assured her. "We had a pretty easy time finding parking, too."

"Glad you could make it, Randy," Isaiah gave his son a fist-bump as soon as Louise had released him. "Your cousins just arrived from Boston-I'm sure they'll be thrilled to see you!"

"Hello, Mr. and Mrs. Robertson," Gwen spoke up, bowing briefly as she smiled politely. "It's so nice to see you again!"

Isaiah and Louise both stiffened for a moment, before they turned their backs on Gwen and Randy and hastily walked off, Isaiah going to greet some more new arrivals while Louise quickly marched off in response to someone calling her name.

Randy looked awkwardly back at Gwen, who just smiled reassuringly at him.

Gwen was smiling, but getting the cold shoulder from Randy's parents still pained her.



Gwen found that the reunion was everything Randy had told her it would be. The Robertson clan was just as large as he claimed, and everyone was very friendly. It wasn't long before Gwen was chatting with some of Randy's cousins, who regaled her with stories about their efforts to start a web design company that would develop websites and networking information for a lot of the smaller businesses in the New York area.

While Gwen was genuinely enjoying herself, she had to admit that the whole situation felt a little weird to her. Out of all the other party guests, she'd seen maybe two other white people, while almost everyone else was, of course, black.

It was the first time Gwen realized she stood out from the crowd, even as something else crossed her mind.

…Is this what it's been like for Randy? Gwen wondered an hour later, as she was heading to get some punch. Feeling like you stand out from everybody else? Even Kitty Pryde could blend in if she never used her mutant powers…

Gwen was still mulling it over as she got a glass of punch. She was turning to leave when she managed to catch herself and avoid bumping into an old woman approaching the table.

"I'm terribly sorry, ma'am!" Gwen apologized, more than a little embarrassed and relieved that she hadn't spilled her punch. "Are you alright?"

"Oh, don't worry about me," the old woman assured her as she adjusted her glasses. "How many times have I told you kids, you're only as old as you feel?"

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