Chapter 84: Street Rules

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Gwen Stacy loved the feeling that came over her shortly before filming began or she went out on stage, the sense of excited anticipation of stepping into a new role. It was one of the main reasons she had chosen to be a model and an actress-that love of performing for an audience, and hopefully of getting their appreciation and support in return. Now, that same feeling came over Gwen as she came into the house that had been rented for the newest production she was starring in.

When she'd gotten a job at the Gloom Room A Go-Go nightclub several months ago, Gwen had gotten to know one of the investors, a man named Jonathan Caesar. Aside from being in the nightclub business, Caesar also sponsored independent films, and he'd gotten Gwen a part in his latest venture.

The first film Caesar had gotten her a job in had fallen apart due to production problems and the director's murder. She had also been relentlessly nasty to Gwen, but according to Caesar the director on this new picture was a lot nicer. To her surprise, Gwen hadn't been able to find much about him even on the Internet Movie Database. Aside from the fact that his name was Zane Richardson, and he'd done technical work on a few other productions, there didn't seem to be much else about him.

Making her way into the main parlor, Gwen greeted several of the people milling around. She recognized several of them as film crew, and others as fellow aspiring actors. Several of them recognized Gwen in turn, but she was surprised and dismayed by the number of dirty looks she was getting.

She wondered about it briefly, before her attention was directed to the far end of the room by a man's raised voice. The man who'd called out to the rest of the people waved a greeting, and it wasn't long before the cast and crew fell silent, realizing that this was likely Zane Richardson, the director and screenwriter for their picture.

Gwen smiled briefly as she realized how cute he was. His wavy brown hair and strong, impressive face were only improved by his unkempt hair and stubble, making him look rough without being slovenly. Gwen was immediately impressed-that wasn't an easy look to pull off, particularly when it could just make you look like a slob, the way it did too many celebrities.

"Hi there!" the man greeted everyone. "I'm Zane Richardson. It's nice to meet you all-I'm really looking forward to working with you!"

Gwen nodded approvingly, as did most of the other cast and crew, but one person spoke up before Zane could say anything else.

"You mind telling me why you think you can write about the issues mutants have in coming out?" someone asked in annoyance. "Don't you think mutants have enough to worry about without baseline humans trying to speak for them?"

Looking around in surprise, Gwen was surprised to see one young man with a particularly disgruntled look on his face.

"What's your problem?" one person asked.

"I have a problem with cultural appropriation," the young man responded with a disgruntled scowl.

Gwen only frowned. The script Richardson had written, centred around a young family struggling to cope with their son coming out as a mutant, was remarkably deep and heartfelt, particularly for someone who didn't have any writing credits to his name yet.

"If that's the case, then what the hell are you even doing here?" another person asked.

"What, I can't ask a question?" the young man asked.

"Maybe you could get the hell out of-" the second person began to reply, before Zane interrupted him.

"No, no, it's okay," Zane assured him. "Let me explain why..."

Tossing the box he was carrying into the air, Zane's eyes flashed, releasing an energy bolt that caught the box and burned it into ash. Several people shouted in surprise and fell back, muttering to themselves in surprise.

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