Chapter 85: All In The Family

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"I can't believe I let you talk me into this," Randy Robertson said to his girlfriend as they put on their costumes.

"Come on, what's the harm?" Gwen Stacy grinned, as she put on her wig and glasses. "Besides, it'll be fun!"

"Yeah, I guess," Randy sighed as he adjusted his beard. "I've just never been very good with kids."

"What's to know?" Gwen shrugged. "Just be nice to them, and they'll be nice to you. And practice your laugh, too!"

"You realize you owe me big time, right?" Randy groused at Gwen.

"Think of it as our getting to spend more quality time together," Gwen grinned. "Now come on-laugh like you mean it!"

Randy rolled his eyes, but he gave it his best as he emerged from the back room into the display.

Acting as Santa to Gwen's Mrs. Claus initially made Randy feel ridiculous, but he realized that Gwen was right when she'd told him how good the laughter and cheer of the children would make him feel.



"See, what did I tell you?" Gwen smiled widely as they changed out of their costumes at the end of their shift.

"No, you were right," Randy returned her smile. "But how did you ever get them to approve this couple display?"

"Neither one of the Santas was available, so I had to improvise," Gwen shrugged. "My boss was wondering if I could get any actors on short notice, but I figured I could do it as well as anybody."

"So what about the other guy they had as a backup in case the first one couldn't make it?" Randy asked in confusion.

"He got hurt in a superhero fight," Gwen shook her head. "Darkhawk was trying to stop Megatak, and the guy got a really nasty shock. He's going to be alright, but he's in no shape to be working right now."

"Damn," Randy shook his head. "Sometimes I really wonder what it is with this town."

As he glanced at Gwen, he thought he saw a pained look on her face for a moment. It wasn't long before she was calm again, with only a small frown to indicate her distress. For a moment Randy thought about asking her about it, knowing full well the problems that keeping secrets between him and Gwen could cause, but he realized that Gwen would probably tell him about it when she was ready.

"So where are you meeting this guy again?" Randy changed the subject, hoping to distract Gwen. As the spectacular Spider-Woman, Gwen had likely seen all too many examples of how innocent people could be victimized by supervillains, and Randy didn't want her dwelling on it any more than she had to.

"Papa Cicero's," Gwen explained. "It's this little pizzeria a few subway stops from here," she explained. "Zane says it's delicious."

"Yeah, and why did he ask to meet you?" Randy asked, a little more skeptical now. "Is he-"

"No, he isn't," Gwen assured him. "He said he's scheduling a few of these meetings with the rest of the cast to get to know us a bit better. He says that it'll help our characters interact better if we interact with each other more outside of the set too."

Randy just nodded, having heard similar words from other veteran directors, including his friend Tom Ferguson, who was also his boss at the HABQ-FM radio station.

"Have a good time, then," he smiled, kissing Gwen on the cheek. "See you tomorrow?"

"Always," Gwen assured him, returning the kiss.

Papa Cicero's was bigger than Gwen's expected, but it had a homey charm that seemed warm and comforting all at once. Scenes of Venice canals mingled with black-and-white images of old New York, and the walls were decorated both with memorabilia both of the Italian national soccer team and of the Knicks, the Yankees and the Rangers. Soft Italian music and the dim light added to the ambience, and Gwen felt herself almost warming up as she stepped into the restaurant.

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