Chapter 81: Your Cheating Heart

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Despite the cool November weather, the sun was shining brightly, reflecting Gwen Stacy's attitude as she made her way across the Empire State University campus. During everything that had been happening over the last week or so with Nate Grey and the X-Men, Gwen hadn't been able to get in touch with her boyfriend Randy Robertson. While she'd tried to get in touch with him before now, they hadn't been able to coordinate their schedules until Randy had texted her to meet at the Coffee Bean about half an hour ago.

Now, with her last class for the day done, Gwen was eager to see Randy again. She needed to talk to him about everything that had happened with Nate, and even more so apologize to Randy for gawking at Nate the way she had. It was one thing for either of them to occasionally ogle other people, but Gwen felt like she'd crossed a line by how strongly she'd been attracted to him. The shame and guilt had been eating at her for the last several days, and she was eager for the opportunity to set things right.

Randy was already sitting at a table waiting for her when she entered into the Coffee Bean, so she went to get a latte. Fortunately, there wasn't much of a line this afternoon, and it wasn't long before she was sitting down to join Randy.

"Hi, sweetie," Gwen said warmly as she sat down. "How've you been?"

Randy didn't answer at first, merely taking a drink of his coffee.

"Things have been crazy for me," Gwen continued, "and I'm glad it's mostly done. I would have met up with you sooner, but I just haven't had the opportunity."

"You've been busy, huh?" Randy asked, reaching into his pocket.

"When am I not?" Gwen replied. "And they must be keeping you pretty busy at the radio station, too. Every time I tried to call, you were tied up there, so-"

"So you thought it was alright to do this, I guess?" Randy said coldly, tossing his phone onto the table for Gwen to look at.

Glancing down at the phone, Gwen saw that Randy had opened up a picture of her having coffee with Nate Grey, with her hands wrapped around his.

"Wh…where did you get this picture?" Gwen asked in shock. "Were you spying on me?"

"My mother took that picture," Randy explained, "and she showed it to me. You mind telling me what's going on here?"

"Randy, it's not what it looks like," Gwen protested.

"Isn't that the same guy you were drooling over at Fright Night?" Randy asked pointedly.

"I wasn't drool-okay, yes he's the guy I was ogling, and I'm really sorry about that," Gwen replied, guilt in her voice. "But I wasn't dating him-he's just a friend of mine who needed help!"

Randy didn't reply at first, but he was clearly unconvinced, the skeptical frown on his face all too evident.

And he has every right to be pissed off, Gwen thought to herself. First I look at Nate like he's Edward Cullen, then he ends up seeing me holding Nate's hand, so what the hell's he supposed to think?

Her mood had been eager and bright coming into the Coffee Bean, but now all Gwen felt was shame and anger at her own stupidity.



"So exactly what kind of help did he need?" Randy demanded.

"The mutant powers kind," Gwen explained, before briefly explaining about Nate's abilities, his pursuit by the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants, and her efforts to help him both in helping him work through his issues and protecting him from the Brotherhood.

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