Chapter 111: Gwen's Last Dance

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The spectacular Spider-Woman spun through the air and made a perfect landing on the side of the skyscraper. Four Freedoms Plaza was in sight, and she didn't want to be late for her appointment with Spider-Man and Reed Richards, alias Mr. Fantastic. She'd make it in plenty of time, but she needed a moment to process everything that was happening.

She'd finally overcome Jack O' Lantern, her archenemy and the most dangerous of the many supervillains she'd fought as a costumed hero, and his depraved plans for her. Weeks of stalking and threats culminated in Jack's effort to kill her and replace her with a doppelganger, made from combining both their DNA and their superpowers, who would be his heir. It was a living nightmare for Spider-Woman, one that nearly drove her insane with terror, but she'd finally won her battle with Jack thanks in no small part to help from the amazing Spider-Man.

Her appointment with Reed and Spider-Man was another example of Spider-Man's helping her. Jack O' Lantern seemed to be able to track Spider-Woman at will, always knowing exactly where she was. She had no idea how he was able to do it, and she'd never been able to figure it out no matter how many times she recalled their battles.

Now, Spider-Man asked Reed to see if he could try and find out how Jack O' Lantern could track Spider-Woman. Spider-Man needed a spider-tracer to trail Spider-Woman to the mansion where she'd had her final fateful battle with Jack O' Lantern, and he was sure that Jack used some similar tracking technology.

Spider-Woman didn't know how that could be possible, but Reed and Spider-Man were the scientific experts. She trusted their judgement, and even more she trusted their abilities to get rid of whatever tracking devices Jack used.

Peter had helped Gwen multiple times before this too. He'd explained how Gwen got her spider-powers, revealing their shared origin. He'd always been willing to listen and give sound advice when she wasn't sure how to handle the problems she faced as Spider-Woman. He'd offered to hunt down Jack O' Lantern when she'd needed to recover from the panic attacks Jack's threats caused her. He explained that he didn't appreciate anyone threatening his kid sister, and he'd make sure they regretted it.

That was why Gwen loved him so much-not romantically or sexually, but as the older brother she never had.



It didn't take Spider-Woman long to be admitted into Four Freedoms Plaza or be escorted up to Reed Richards' lab. Reed and Spider-Man were both waiting for her, and she hugged Spider-Man tightly as he came to greet her.

"Thank you very much for this, Dr. Richards," Spider-Woman said, bowing respectfully as she turned to him. "I can't tell you how much I appreciate this..."

"You don't need to," Reed said with a smile. "Don't worry, this'll be quick and painless," he continued, as he led the spiders deeper into his lab. They stopped in front of a machine Spider-Woman recognized, one that had a large camera lens at one end and a plexiglass container on the other. It was the machine Reed had used to compare her DNA with that of her doppelganger's, confirming the horrifying truth about how they were related.

"Let me guess," Spider-Woman said as she stepped in front of the camera lens. "This is going to scan my body to find any sort of tracking devices, right?"

"Not just devices," Reed assured her as he started typing at the machine's control panel. "Magical tracking spells, chemicals, anything like that."

"Magic?" Spider-Woman said, astonished, as the camera lens emitted a beam of light that passed down her body. "So everything Tarot did..."

"Who's Tarot?" Spider-Man asked in surprise, turning to face Spider-Woman as the camera's light faded and she walked over to him and Reed.

"One of my old rogues," Spider-Woman said, not wanting to reveal too much about her dealings with Marie-Ange Colbert, alias Tarot, in her civilian identity. "She did things like read tea leaves and tarot cards. It's kind of a private thing."

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