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Chapter I: Claim of the sea
Chapter II: Asking the light
Chapter III: Strange character
Chapter IV: One doubt less
Chapter V: Her unexpected answer
Chapter VI: Statements at sunset
Chapter VII: Rainbow-coloured song
Chapter VIII: Blue-feathered sailor
Chapter IX: Curiosity and uncertainty
Chapter X: Monochromatic interaction
Chapter XI: Bright smile
Chapter XII: Aquatic duet
Special 1st anniversary
Chapter XIII: A distant memory
Chapter XIV: Be like him
Chapter XV: A shadow over the sea
Christmas Special 2023
Chapter XVI: Hunting the hunter
Chapter XVII: Someone to trust
Chapter XVIII: Following the history
Chapter XIX: New ally
Chapter XX: Reversed melody


Note: Every five chapters the index will be updated. That is why, if when reading this story you notice the lack of any chapter published, it is for this reason.

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